Fishing industry Chesapeake Bay

a skipjack, part of oystering fleet in maryland

the bay known seafood production, blue crabs, clams , oysters. in middle of 20th century, bay supported 9,000 full-time watermen, according 1 account. today, body of water less productive used because of runoff urban areas (mostly on western shore) , farms (especially on eastern shore , in susquehanna river watershed), over-harvesting, , invasion of foreign species.

the plentiful oyster harvests led development of skipjack, state boat of maryland, remaining working boat type in united states still under sail power. other characteristic bay-area workboats include sail-powered boats such log canoe, pungy, bugeye, , motorized chesapeake bay deadrise, state boat of virginia.

in contrast harvesting wild oysters, oyster farming growing industry bay maintain estuary s productivity natural effort filtering impurities such excess nutrients water in effort reduce effects of man-made pollution. chesapeake bay program using oysters reduce amount of nitrogen compounds entering chesapeake bay.

oysters hermaphroditic , change gender @ least once during lifetime, starting male , ending female; there numerous ways cook , eat them, recipes , sauces accompany oyster dishes. 1 account:

the chesapeake oyster – called chesapeake white gold – has flavor , texture begs connoisseurs come , shuck few more.

the bay famous rockfish, regional name striped bass. once on verge of extinction, rockfish have made significant comeback because of legislative action put moratorium on rockfishing, allowed species re-populate. rockfish can fished in strictly controlled , limited quantities.


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