Early architectural work.2C 1830-40 William Hosking

1 architectural work, 1830-40

1.1 bridge design
1.2 congregationalists non-denominational cemetery
1.3 egyptian revival temple lodges , gothic revival chapel

early architectural work, 1830-40
bridge design

by 1830s hosking had sufficient reputation in arts , sciences of buildings , construction secure appointment new birmingham, bristol , thames junction railway company (the west london railway) design impressive scheme carrying roadway on paddington arm of grand junction canal (now grand union canal); both of passed on new railway. success in designing construction commented upon , assisted election, in 1835, fellowship of institute of british architects (now royal institute of british architects, riba).

thereafter, hosking continued develop interest in bridge design, though more academically, , went on develop related interests in construction of buildings fire resistance, avoidance of damp, etc., led being recognised having competence in both civil engineering , architectural spheres.

congregationalists non-denominational cemetery

abney park cemetery; every turn of path reveals new , unique landscape. (september 2005)

in 1839 hosking chosen newly formed abney park cemetery company design buildings , contribute layout of landscaped park cemetery serve metropolis of london in parts open burial of regardless of belief or denomination. aim of promoters of abney park cemetery open first wholly non-denominational garden cemetery in europe.

hosking s brief design cemetery s buildings reflect new liberal departure in burial reform, , complement cemetery s historic parkland setting, magnificent arboretum , educational institute established.

to complement hosking s buildings, appropriate landscape setting designed , planted george loddiges. landscape vaguely akin rather simplified version of john loudon s gardenesque style emerged around perimeter, larger part of estate remaining naturalistic , partially sylvan, possibly echoing rural cemetery ideal emerging in america insofar practicable in country landscape no longer relatively unaffected human activity.

the uniquely attractive result favoured loudon, both exception preferred formal style of cemetery design, , pleasure ground style disliked in other contemporary cemeteries such @ norwood. loudon complementary towards abney park cemetery since offered educational park, complete arboretum open free public access, had campaigned in vicinity of london.

hosking s clients, led abney park cemetery s founder , indefatigable company secretary george collison ii, worked him prepare unique design stoke newington cemetery. collison increasingly came view hosking s layout , architectural styles should meet brief of being symbolic of cemetery s founding ideals; reflect fact here first nineteenth-century garden cemetery neither consecrated, nor set out act of parliament, giving both non-denominational character , permitting inclusion of spaces , designs wider educational , public access purposes. hosking s buildings must respect landscape, here, unlike other cemeteries of period, use of land interment partly viewed convenient means achieve other common purposes; of original founders congregationalists shared underlying motivation preserve , encourage interest , appreciation in landscape of abney park spoke them of memory of isaac watts , lady mary abney. promoters hoped burial fees provide revenue meet romantic objective.

although rosary cemetery in norwich had begun pioneer elements of non-denominational approach, had presented partial model (it made no progress on designing non-denominational chapel until late nineteenth century). similarly, other cemeteries date had been able apply term non-denominational in partial sense, lacking non-denominational entrance lodges or chapels. consequently, @ date of hosking s brief, there no european architectural style buildings of wholly non-denominational cemetery on draw inspiration. hosking s brief both novel , ambitious. there no similar model base designs on, other in partially state of progress in new world, @ mount auburn cemetery near boston.

egyptian revival temple lodges , gothic revival chapel

to realise visionary abney park project, hosking commissioned design egyptian revival entrance ensemble comprising studied temple lodges (with twin north , south components) dramatic pylons, gates , railings in between. become earliest example in european architecture of cemetery building (as opposed monuments or gates) being designed , built in egyptian revival style. earliest example in europe of cemetery frontage constructed in style—railings @ cemetery frontage. style had been used in cemetery design memorial monuments, 1 temporary frontage scheme (at mount auburn cemetery), , gate in wall of small non-conformist cemetery in sheffield).

though use of style disapproved of augustus pugin jnr (1812–52) departing western christian styles, , proved controversial in like-minded quarters, others impressed bold , quite new design @ abney park , began conclude egyptian revival should taken further; though purely stylistic reasons. in 1939 had been used discreetly, @ entrance catacombs @ highgate cemetery but, 1842, 2 years after abney park opened, possible architect thomas wilson, member of general cemetery company board, publish futuristic cemetery design ever, wholly completed in egyptian style. proposal metropolitan sepulchre, brick , granite pyramid taller st. paul s cathedral containing quarter of million catacombs, on hundred levels, surmounting primrose hill, complete public observatory @ top! regrettably did not gain support needed, , hosking s abney park entrance ensemble remained successful example of large-scale use of egyptian style in cemetery design.

hosking s skills did not shine through in careful planning , detailing of egyptian-revival temple lodges , frontage; commissioned design unique , impressive cemetery chapel. this, abney park chapel first non-denominational cemetery chapel in europe, , quite world (since sister chapel @ mount auburn later addition). while not detracting magnificence , originality of grand entrance design, hosking s chapel had, likewise, make mark unique design. novel entrance, hosking met challenge both originality , surprisingly wide knowledge of architecture. since had travelled extensively, , had strong interest in antiquities, able beyond traditional british architectural , gothic-revival sources. further information design can found in entry abney park chapel, example of dissenting gothic.


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