Biography Gréco Casadesus

1 biography

1.1 life , education
1.2 composing stage , images
1.3 leading large projects
1.4 composing documentary films
1.5 training next generation
1.6 works

1.6.1 albums
1.6.2 theatre

1.7 television , film

early life , education

gréco casadesus grew in family of artists.., father, marius casadesus (1892-1981), being violonist , composer, , mother, gladys thibaud (1928), pianist. heir of generations of artists , musicians, started studying music parents, learning violin @ age 3 father, , piano @ age 5 mother.

he grew in montmartre (casadesus square), in paris, , 9 years old, studied @ conservatoire de paris, training 8 hours day, earned him first medal in theory, prize in piano @ versailles conservatory.

he started career @ age 22 artistic director @ emi classics, had on 200 albums recorded, masters such mstislav rostropovitch, leonard bernstein , georges prêtre. while in contact these artists, broadened musical language , orchestration style.

by age 30, wrote , recorded first album, voyage immobile, after second album, les oiseaux de rivière noire (1982), decided focus on liked best, music scores cinema , stage.

composing stage , images

greco casadesus got interested in way music can influence process of writing , directing film or play. first experiences in theatre , strong working relation enjoyed 2 stage directors allowed him explore new sounds, example using new electronics sounds , synthetizers had appeared in 1970s , 1980s. between 1983 , 1997, composed no less 22 musical creations stage, jean danet s les tréteaux de france theatre company , théâtre du marais of jacques mauclair. in particular, composed music classic molière play l avare, awarded prestigious molière award in 1989 direction mauclair

greco casadesus contacted american film director bob swaim, hired him in 1997 replace famous composer john barry , write soundtrack feature film, climb, john hurt, gregory smith , david strathairn.

in 1998, innovated composing first original soundtrack marie et le vin, book claire huynen published Éditions du cherche-midi. following year, greco casadesus wrote soundtrack cartoon babar, king of elephants, canadian director raymond jafelice. in 1999, wrote score important tv project, jésus, directed serge moati. huge success, reaching audience of 10 million viewers during unique broadcast, on dec. 25 1999, on france s main television channel. in 2001, wrote 7 hours of music restored version of 1921 film les trois mousquetaires, adaptation of great french classic alexandre dumas. following experience, produced live performance designed children, entitled les trois mousquetaires font du cinéma, production mixing theatre, cinema , musical theatre.

leading large projects

being passionate trade, greco casadesus gained leadership among french composers, lead him found in 2002 french association of composers, union des compositeurs de musiques de films (ucmf). spearheaded until 2005, aim promote , protect profession in changing environment. nowadays, ucmf s honorary chairman, along bernard grimaldi. greco casadesus founded production , publishing company opus millésime, , produced film , cd tribute cousin, pianist , composer robert casadesus (1899-1972). in january 2004, nominated personality of year music magazine musique info hebdo.

during 2007 cannes film festival, greco casadesus symphony sept mouvements de vie, dedicated life , work of photographer Étienne-jules marey, played orchestre régional de cannes provence-alpes-côte d azur, conducted philippe bender. still inspired marey s chronophotographies, wrote missing movements of symphony in 2008. resulting « concert of images », using marey s antique photos edited director sylvie-jeanne gander, performed @ dijon film festival, rencontres cinématographiques de dijon. symphonical suite published cezame music agency title movements of life, , series of 3 films marey project released following year. project initiated vibrant collaboration music label cezame, run frédéric leibovitz , françoise marchesseau, resulting in publication of on 200 of music tracks on years.

composing documentary films

greco casadesus entered new phase of collaborations, composition of soundtracks various documentary films in france, in particular directors christian zerbib (en terre étrangère , nos ancêtres les gauloises), michel viotte (la guerre d hollywood et jack london, une aventure américaine), , william karel (jusqu au dernier : la destruction des juifs d europe). last project inspired 70th anniversary of liberation of auschwitz-birkenau s nazi camp. project, composed several orchestral scores played famous american clarinetist david krakauer.

shouting infinity , never hearing it. shouting intimate pain, in silence. giving chance hope, if slim. translating unspeakable feeling neither words nor images can express. keeping low profile. was after, greco casadesus said when work published in album, david krakauer plays greco casadesus. work krakauer followed show @ french radio studios, france musique. both soundtrack 3 tv films produced documentary project, , krakauer album, published cézame

training next generation

greco casadesus awarded henri-langlois award career in 2012, , reference in field of scoring, , requested speak specificity of composing images. foundation complex mix between image , music, composer has tremendous power balanced potential , terrible sanction : beautiful music wrote can be, if doesn t fit director s purpose, discarded ! says during lectures, master-classes , training workshops.

one example of training activities music score lab ( le laboratoire de musique de films ), created in 2013 along cristal productions , la rochelle tv film festival (festival de la fiction tv de la rochelle). yearly training allows selected composers compose soundtrack film sequence, , gives way small concert, orchestra playing in front of audience music composed trainees, synchronized images.

from 2013 2015, greco casadesus has been heading sacem s tv commission (commission de l audiovisuel).


greco casadesus has written hundred of original scores theatre, film, television, concerts , other stage performances. has ventured film production.


thanks solid classic training , passion recording techniques , new technologies, greco casadesus developed own style, mixing acoustic instruments , electronic sound effects. during career, has focused on recording, in collaboration friends in publishing world, jean claudel, founer of label amplitude, , frédéric leibovitz, founder of cézame music agency. since 2008, has contributed various albums cezame s catalogue (marines, seascapes, american road book, paysages avec cordes, motivation & inspiration, historical heritage, 1914 : la grande guerre, sense , sensibility, inspiring cinematic choirs, western, scandal & gossip, freaky frolics)

1980 : voyage immobile
1982 : les oiseaux de rivière noire
1986 : carte blanche à greco casadesus
1995 : projections
1997 : climb
1998 : marie et le vin (un roman et sa musique)
1999 : babar, king of elephants
2003 : symphonic nirvana
2005 : les trois mousquetaires
2009 : suppléments d âme
2015 : david krakauer plays greco casadesus
2016 : movements of life


greco casadesus dedicated 14 years of life stage, , has made great contribution theatre, collaboration theatre directors jean danet , jacques mauclair, respectively founders of pantin s company, les tréteaux de france, , théâtre du marais.

1983 : cherry orchard, anton tchekhov, tréteaux de france.
1983 : exit king, eugène ionesco, théâtre du marais
1984 : androcles , lion, george bernard shaw, théâtre du marais
1984 : marshall, nous voilà! bruno laurent, théâtre du sentier des halles
1986 : bajazet, racine, carré silvia montfort
1986 : la comédie sans titre, italo svevo, théâtre du marais

1987 : britannicus, racine, carré silvia montfort
1987 : s family affair-we ll settle ourselves, alexander ostrovski, théâtre du marais
1987 : guillaume ou les quatre saisons d un conquérant, jean-pierre nortel, tréteaux de france
1988 : lark (l alouette), jean anouilh, tréteaux de france
1988 : prince of homburg, heinrich von kleist, théâtre mouffetard
1989 : l avare (the miser), molière, théâtre du marais
1989 : le mariage de figaro, beaumarchais, tréteaux de france
1990 : la guerre de troie n aura pas lieu (the trojan war not take place), jean giraudoux, tréteaux de france
1991 : each in own way, luigi pirandello, tréteaux de france
1991 : laetitia, peter shaffer, théâtre du rond-point
1992 : tartuffe, molière, tréteaux de france
1993 : l aiglon, edmond rostand, tréteaux de france
1995 : lorenzaccio, alfred de musset, tréteaux de france
1995 : christmas @ cupiello s, eduardo de filippo, théâtre du marais
1997 : une répétition au théâtre du crime, jacques mauclair, théâtre du marais

television , film

from friendship roger boutry, conductor of symphonic orchestra of republican guard, appeared in 1984 opportunity compose tv series on french gendarmerie. first experience led numerous tv projects french channels : sfp, tf1, a2, fr3, france 3, france 5. film career includes large diversity of genres, feature films, series, documentary films, short films. meeting directors such bob swaim, etienne perier, serge moati, jérôme diamant-berger , others, have expanded skills in film scoring.

1984 - 1985 : l homme au képi noir (tv series)

1984 : andré moleux, peintre, gérard sergues

1985 : maestro, serge korber

1985 : tant qu il y aura des cerfs, laurent charbonnier

1986 : fred connexion, serge korber

1986 : les conquérants de l impossible : portrait de groupe, bernard choquet , bernard dumont

1986 : chinook, christian zuccarelli

1987 : cordée canine, christian zuccarelli

1987 : nuit d enfer, philippe guillaume

1988 - 1989 : mystères et bulles de gomme, bernard dumont (tv series)

1989 1994 : intrigues, mésaventures, passion, côté cœur (tv series)

1990 : appelez-moi tonton, dominique baron

1992 : la montée au pouvoir des femmes, ghislaine guide

1992 : cérémonie religieuse, bernard dumont

1992 : le passage du nord-ouest, bernard dumont

1993 : le poids du corps, christine françois

1993 : les dératisseurs, bernard dumont

1993 : meurtre à ciel ouvert, jean-marc seban

1994 : meurtre à l université, jean-marc seban

1995 : le silence de lesbos, ghislaine guidez

1995 : les louves, jean-marc seban

1995 : un mort sur le pavé, jean-marc seban

1995 : le match de notre vie. gareth davies

1996 : (if think so), luigi pirandello

1996 : la rumeur, Étienne périer

1996 : la passe-montagne, jean-marc seban

1997 : climb, bob swaim

1998 : babar, king of elephants, raymond jafelice

1998 : les legs, bernard dumont

1998 : le dernier fils, Étienne périer

2000 : l enfant de la honte, claudio tonetti

2000 : que reste-t-il..., Étienne périer

2000 : la vie à plein temps, serge moati

2001 : jésus, serge moati

2001 : les trois mousquetaires, henri diamant-berger

2009 : en terre étrangère. christian zerbib

2010 : petit creux (série tv, 104 épisodes)

2011 à 2013 : le quiz de zack (tv series)

2011 : nos ancêtres les gauloises, christian zerbib

2013 : la guerre d hollywood, michel viotte

2014 : jusqu au dernier, william karel

2015 : ta mère! touria benzari

2016 : la face, marc rivière

2016 : vesper. keyvan sheikhalishahi (short film) ...


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