Parliamentary Opposition Stéphane Dion

stéphane dion addresses crowd during 2008 canadian federal election.

on 1 february, dion tabled motion challenging conservatives reaffirm canada s commitment kyoto protocol, attempting capitalize on 2002 letter in prime minister harper described accord socialist scheme based on tentative , contradictory scientific evidence , designed suck money out of rich countries. tory environment minister john baird responded blaming liberals described shameful record on 13 years of inaction on environment, while stephen harper said government stabilize emissions. dion s non-binding motion passed on 5 february.

on 27 february, dion s liberals, bloc québécois , ndp members of parliament, voted down harper government proposal extend 2 controversial provisions of anti-terrorism act 3 years. dion argued measures — allowed police arrest , detain terror suspects 3 days without warrant , allowed judges force witnesses testify in terror cases — have done nothing fight against terrorism , have not been helpful , have continued create risk civil liberties.

on 12 april 2007, dion announced liberals not run candidate against green party leader elizabeth may in nova scotia riding of central nova (then represented conservative peter mackay) in return green party leader s agreement not run green candidate in dion s riding of saint-laurent—cartierville. deal criticized conservatives , ndp (jack layton had rejected earlier attempts may cut backroom deal party), , within liberal party. dion later gave reassurance controversial deal exceptional circumstance liberal voters invited [may] win against peter mackay.

on 8 november 2007, dion released policy plan, compared united kingdom s labour party under former prime minister tony blair. dion mentioned party tackle poverty in canada in order create greener , richer , fairer canada. set targets reduce general poverty 30 percent , child poverty 50 percent helping working families work rewards increasing canada child tax benefit, increasing guaranteed revenues seniors. in editorial in national post, economist alex macmillan notes poverty targets dion has set based on statistics canada measure statistical agency has stated not poverty measure (lico), , using in effect relative income measure rather absolute poverty measure, dion aiming flatten income distribution of canadians. however, there no official poverty rate canada dion otherwise use, , other political parties quote lico figures poverty rates.


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