Categories Chinese input methods for computers

1 categories

1.1 phonetic-based

1.1.1 shuangpin

1.2 shape-based
1.3 hybrid
1.4 others
1.5 examples of keyboard layouts


interface of pinyin input method, showing need choose appropriate word out of list of options. word typed wikipedia in mandarin chinese, options shown include (from top bottom) wikipedia, uncyclopedia, wiki, crisis, , rules violation.

the user enters pronunciations converted relevant chinese characters. user must select desired character homophones, common in chinese. modern systems, such sogou pinyin , google pinyin, predict desired characters based on context , user preferences. example, if 1 enters sounds jicheng, software type 繼承 (to inherit), if jichengche entered, 計程車 (taxi) appear.

various chinese dialects complicate system. phonetic methods based on standard pinyin, zhuyin/bopomofo, , jyutping in china, taiwan, , hong kong, respectively. input method based on other variation of chinese, hakka or minnan exist.

while phonetic system easy learn, choosing appropriate chinese characters slows typing speed. users report typing speed of fifty characters per minute, though reach on 1 hundred per minute. phonetic imes, in addition predictive input based on previous conversions, possible users create custom dictionary entries used characters , phrases, potentially lowering number of characters required evoke it.


the microsoft pinyin 2003 shuangpin scheme.

shuangpin, literally dual spell, stenographical phonetic input method based on hanyu pinyin reduces number of keystrokes 1 chinese character 2 distributing every vowel , consonant composed of more 1 letter specific key. in shuangpin layout schemes such xiaohe, microsoft 2003 , ziranma, used vowels placed on middle layer, reducing risk of repetitive strain injury.

shuangpin supported large number of pinyin input software including qq, microsoft bing pinyin, sogou pinyin , google pinyin.


typing chinese cangjie

cangjie input method (倉頡; 仓颉; tsang-chieh)
simplified cangjie (簡易倉頡, known 速成 or quick on windows systems , sucheng on mac os x systems)
ckc chinese input system (縱橫輸入法)
boshiamy method (嘸蝦米)
dayi method (大易)
array input method (行列)
four-corner method (四角碼; 四角码)
oxis chinese character finder
q9 method (九方)
shouwei method (首尾字型)
stroke count method (筆畫; 笔画)
stroke method (筆劃; 笔划)
wubi method (五筆字型; 五笔字型)
wubihua method (五筆畫; 五笔画)
zheng code method (鄭碼; 郑码)
shou-wei hao-ma method (首尾號碼)
knot dna method (筆結碼)


tze-loi method (子來; 子来)
renzhi code method (認知碼; 认知码)
cong ming da zi (聪明打字, released 2011)


chinese telegraph code (中文電碼)

examples of keyboard layouts


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