Education Katy, Texas

1 education

1.1 primary , secondary schools
1.2 colleges
1.3 public libraries

primary , secondary schools

people live in katy zoned schools in katy independent school district. while multiple katy isd schools have katy, texas postal addresses, portion located in and/or serve city of katy city limits.

the elementary schools in city of katy listed here:

zelma hutsell elementary school
katy elementary school
woodcreek elementary school

the following middle schools serve city of katy s residents:

katy junior high school
woodcreek junior high school

the following high schools serve city of katy s residents:

katy high school, oldest high school, located nearest center city. katy high school established in 1898, , relocated present location in 1947. katy isd s 3 alternative education schools (martha raines high school, miller career , technology center, , opportunity awareness center) located within city.

aristoi classical academy charter school in katy.


katy served houston community college system. hcc northwest college operates katy campus in unincorporated section of harris county.

the bible seminar offers non-denominational college-level bible study , ministry training, including graduate-level master of divinity degree. offers bible certificate program local church members , leaders.

the university of houston purchased verde park development site plans break ground on katy campus @ i10 , 99

public libraries

katy served katy branch of harris county public library (hcpl) @ 5414 franz road. branch partnership between hcpl , city of katy. city joined county library system in 1921. katy garden club started first library, housed in several private houses. @ later point shared space katy fire department. first katy branch opened in 1940. friends of katy library began in 1972. construction of current 15,000-square-foot (1,400 m) branch began in 2002. current branch building opened regular business in monday april 28, 2003, grand opening ceremony on previous day.

the cinco ranch branch library in cinco ranch, in unincorporated fort bend county, south of katy. hcpl maud smith marks branch library in unincorporated harris county, west of katy.


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