Weasels.2C minks.2C martens.2C fishers.2C and otters.2C family Mustelidae List of mammals of New England

pine marten

distribution: northern maine, northern new hampshire, , northeast vermont. distributed throughout maine, of new hampshire, of vermont, central , western massachusetts, , northern connecticut.
subspecies: martes americana americana according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).
status: endangered in vermont; threatened in new hampshire.

wolverine, gulo gulo (extirpated)


distribution (before extirpation): maine, vermont, new hampshire, , western massachusetts. *subspecies: gulo gulo according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).

fisher, martes pennanti


distribution: rhode island, connecticut, maine, new hampshire, southwestern vermont, of massachusetts. distributed throughout maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts , northwestern connecticut.
subspecies: martes pennanti pennanti according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).

short-tailed weasel, mustela erminea

short-tailed weasel

distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: mustela erminea cicognanii according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).

long-tailed weasel, mustela frenata

long-tailed weasel

distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: mustela frenata occisor (all western maine) , mustela frenata noveboracensis (western maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island) according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize both m. f. occisor , m. f. noveboracensis valid , recognize new england mustela frenata mustela frenata frenata. wozencraft (2005), however, recognize both m. f. occisor , m. f. noveboracensis valid subspecies.

american mink neovison vison


distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: neovison vison vison (maine, southernmost new hampshire, , southernmost vermont) , neovison vison mink (southernmost new hampshire, southernmost vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island) according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize n. v. mink valid , recognize new england neovison vison n. v. vison. wozencraft (2005), however, recognize n. v. mink valid subspecies.

sea mink neovison macrodon (extinct)

distribution (historic): eastern massachusetts, extreme south eastern new hampshire, , eastern maine

river otter, lontra canadensis

river otter

distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, northern connecticut, , northern rhode island.
subspecies: lontra canadensis canadensis according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).


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