Dawn of the Dinosaurs List of Ice Age characters

1 dawn of dinosaurs

1.1 scratte
1.2 buck
1.3 momma
1.4 rudy
1.5 johnny
1.6 johnny s mother
1.7 egbert, yoko, , shelly
1.8 roger
1.9 other dinosaurs

dawn of dinosaurs

scratte (pronounced scrat-tay ) seductive female saber-toothed flying squirrel makes debut in ice age: dawn of dinosaurs. seen in second trailer scrat battling acorn propelling down gorge reach fallen acorn, , succeeding. scratte seen love interest scrat.

scratte s personality traits have been shown flirtatious, feisty, , intelligent. equally determined in catching acorn , uses feminine wiles advantage. doesn t, however, seem obsessed acorns male counterpart, shown trying destroy acorn @ end of film out of jealousy. scratte injure , manipulate scrat in process of retrieving it. (however, attraction him implied).

in fourth movie, scratte appeared again in cameo role siren dismissed disinterested scrat. furthermore, in fourth film, tons of species live on scratlantis.


buck (short buckminster) weasel makes appearance in ice age: dawn of dinosaurs . missing right eye , wears leaf impromptu eyepatch, having scar on 1 of ears , seems insane (he claims woke 1 day, married ugly pineapple, still loved , , manny calls him deranged hermit ). according official website, buck one-eyed , relentless in hunting dinosaurs. buck s archenemy large albino baryonyx calls rudy, gouged out buck s eye , tooth later sharpened knife carries him. buck claims have sadly been killed rudy, lived. in fact, buck inhabitant of dinosaurs world not fear rudy in slightest, though possesses deep respect him. due living underground long, has extensive knowledge of dangers of dinosaur world.

buck first meets manny, crash, eddie, diego, , ellie (who @ 1 point refers preggers ) after descend jungle in pursuit of sid , momma, , saves them dinosaur attack. has been living in jungle quite time, persistently hunting rudy avenge loss of eye, , agrees lead them lava falls, momma has taken sid, , rescues him after taking control of harpactognathus.

after rudy s potential death, buck, having lost purpose in life, decides join herd , live on surface. upon hearing distant familiar roar tells him rudy survived fall, chooses stay , causes cave-in seals off path between surface , underground jungle, trapping him inside , else on surface. , rudy proceed continue battle.

buck , rudy make brief cameos in scrat s continental crack-up , ice age: continental drift when scrat falls through earth , passes them.

he returns herd ancient stone pillar , rejoins them stop asteroid in ice age: collision course.


momma female tyrannosaurus. took sid herd when took eggs her. brings sid lava falls , 2 compete see can care babies better. sid loses, allowed stay. however, separated later , sid attacked rudy. called momzilla sid.

momma later returns when manny, ellie, diego, sid, crash, eddie, , buck under attack rudy , knocks rudy off cliff apparent death proceeding bid sid farewell.


rudy gigantic albino baryonyx feared creatures in valley except buck , momma. when buck first arrived in jungle, attacked rudy, scratched him in right eye, poking out, , devoured him, buck escaped, knocking out 1 of rudy s teeth in process. rudy appears have held grudge ever since, since impact left behind crack in mouth prevented new teeth growing. (note: rudy mistaken spinosaurus, , although has features of both species, filmmakers have directly stated baryonyx.) rudy first appears when attacks sid , chases him onto rock floating on lava falls, , later attacks sid , company full force exit jungle. group proves no match baryonyx, saved momma, knocks him off of cliff. rudy survives, however, , , buck continue eternal war. rudy last seen roaring in frustration buck riding on top of massive dinosaur laughing, rudy runs through jungle.

buck , rudy made brief cameo in following film ice age: continental drift.


johnny young aardvark swallowed whole , alive egbert. johnny s mother demands sid, posing young dinosaurs father orders dinosaur return son or else leave playground. johnny not found then; instead young gastornis, named madison, brought up. manny , ellie come by. egbert got scared, , regurgitated johnny. mother promptly drags him off. referred sid , mother little johnny .

johnny s mother

the unnamed mother of johnny. looked on in horror when egbert tried eat little johnny. later demanded sid tell egbert spit son out. egbert seemed comply, instead spat out young diatryma named madison annoyance. when manny arrived on scene, egbert regurgitated little johnny in shock , mother comforted him.

egbert, yoko, , shelly

these baby dinosaurs 3 baby tyrannosaurus ice age: dawn of dinosaurs, consisting of 2 males (egbert , yoko), , 1 female (shelly). sid took them away mother, came searching them , took sid away them, later became friends sid @ end of movie. friendly dinosaurs, due being carnivores, go far in playing other animals winds 1 of them eating couple of kids. despite knowing sid isn t real father, still loved , care him point of protecting him angry mother. later returned mother @ end of ice age: dawn of dinosaurs.


roger harpactognathus used buck, along crash , eddie, go lava falls rescue sid rudy. during attempt, attacked flock of cearadactylus, managed evade them , rescue sid in time. after returning plates of woe, pterosaur flew away after buck asked if had ever thought of settling down , starting family . roger s gender unspecified in film, referred female in video game adaption.

other dinosaurs

other dinosaurs include ankylosaurus, brachiosaurus, kentrosaurus, iguanodon, troodon, pachycephalosaurus, triceratops, archaeopteryx, dilophosaurus (in video game only), guanlong , pterosaurs harpactognathus , cearadactylus (the filmmakers refer them pterodactyl , pterosaur respectively).


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