Causes Contact dermatitis

1 causes

1.1 irritant contact dermatitis
1.2 allergic contact dermatitis
1.3 photocontact dermatitis


common causes of allergic contact dermatitis include: nickel allergy, 14k or 18k gold, balsam of peru (myroxylon pereirae), , chromium. in americas include oily coating plants of toxicodendron genus: poison ivy, poison oak, , poison sumac. millions of cases occur each year in north america alone. alkyl resorcinols in grevillea banksii , grevillea robyn gordon responsible contact dermatitis. bilobol, alkyl resorcinol found in ginkgo biloba fruits, strong skin irritant.

common causes of irritant contact dermatitis include solvents, metalworking fluids, latex, kerosene, ethylene oxide, paper, papers coated chemicals , printing inks, foods , drink, food flavorings , spices, perfume, surfactants in topical medications , cosmetics, alkalis, low humidity air conditioning, , many plants. other common causes of irritant contact dermatitis harsh, alkaline soaps, detergents, , cleaning products.

there 3 types of contact dermatitis: irritant contact dermatitis; allergic contact dermatitis; , photocontact dermatitis. photocontact dermatitis divided 2 categories: phototoxic , photoallergic.

irritant contact dermatitis

irritant contact dermatitis (icd) can divided forms caused chemical irritants, , caused physical irritants. common chemical irritants implicated include: solvents (alcohol, xylene, turpentine, esters, acetone, ketones, , others); metalworking fluids (neat oils, water-based metalworking fluids surfactants); latex; kerosene; ethylene oxide; surfactants in topical medications , cosmetics (sodium lauryl sulfate); , alkalis (drain cleaners, strong soap lye residues).

physical irritant contact dermatitis may commonly caused low humidity air conditioning. also, many plants directly irritate skin.

allergic contact dermatitis

3-year-old girl contact dermatitis, 1 day after contact poison ivy

allergic contact dermatitis (acd) accepted prevalent form of immunotoxicity found in humans, , common occupational , environmental health problem. allergic nature, form of contact dermatitis hypersensitive reaction atypical within population. mechanisms reaction occurs complex, many levels of fine control. immunology centres on interaction of immunoregulatory cytokines , discrete subpopulations of t lymphocytes.

allergens include nickel, gold, balsam of peru (myroxylon pereirae), chromium, , oily coating plants of toxicodendron genus, such poison ivy, poison oak, , poison sumac.

photocontact dermatitis

sometimes termed photoaggravated , , divided 2 categories, phototoxic , photoallergic, pcd eczematous condition triggered interaction between otherwise unharmful or less harmful substance on skin , ultraviolet light (320–400 nm uva) (escd 2006), therefore manifesting in regions sufferer has been exposed such rays.

without presence of these rays, photosensitiser not harmful. reason, form of contact dermatitis associated areas of skin left uncovered clothing, , can soundly defeated avoiding exposure sunlight. mechanism of action varies toxin toxin, due production of photoproduct. toxins associated pcd include psoralens. psoralens in fact used therapeutically treatment of psoriasis, eczema, , vitiligo.

photocontact dermatitis condition in distinction between forms of contact dermatitis not clear-cut. immunological mechanisms can play part, causing response similar acd.


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