Saints with Ossory connections Osraige

a stained glass window icon of st. ciarán of saighir.

a public bust of st. cainneach in kilkenny city, 6th-century church founded there.

st. feargal, left ossory become bishop of salzburg, austria.

the monastic settlements of saighir, aghaboe , kilkenny planted christian saints. activity of christian religious leaders under patronage of kings did increase learning, literacy , culture within kingdom. according vitae, saint patrick traversed osraige on route munster, preaching, converting, founding churches , leaving behind holy relics , disciple named martin. number of other saints had connections ossory, working both within ireland , abroad in britain , europe:

st. ciarán of saighir elder , himself scion of ossorian ruling dál birn lineage reputed have evangelized kingdom before arrival of st patrick preached there. founded church of saighir evangelized kingdom. became episcopal see of ossory, , burial place of christian kings. st ciarán succeeded disciple, st carthage elder. st ciarán s feastday 5 march, along st. carthage , st. piran. st. kieran s college in kilkenny (ireland s oldest roman catholic secondary school) named after him. (in cornwall st. ciarán identified 1 , same person saint piran, patron saint of tin miners , cornwall.) relief statue of st. ciarán stands in high niche atop chapter house @ st. mary s in kilkenny.
st. carthage elder, son or grandson of Óengus mac nad froích , st. ciarán s successor @ saighir. feastday celebrated st. ciarán on 5 march.
st. cainnech of aghaboe established 2 monastic centers in ossory in 6th century, @ aghaboe , kilkenny, named after him. feast 11 october.
st. modomnoc of ossory traveled there wales disciple of st. david, , reputed have brought ireland s first colonies of domesticated honeybees. feast 13 february.

st. scuithin, bearing welsh connections via st. david, worked asceticism in south ossory, in castlewarren , freynestown.
st. nem moccu birn, successor st. enda of aran recorded having been of dál birn of ossory , kinsmen of st. ciarán of saighir. feast 14 june.
st. broccán clóen of rossturic, author of famous poem in praise of st. brigid of kildare (found in liber hymnorum , mentioned in félire Óengusso under september 17.
mo lua of killaloe founded monasteries of killaloe , clonfert-mulloe (now kyle in county laois) in northern osraige. according martyrology of donegal st. molua mac carthach (also known st. lua, or da lua) trained under st. comgall of bangor abbey. father carthach mac dagri, while mother sochle of dál birn, ruling tribe of osraige. william carrigan speculated birth around year 540 ad, , annals of 4 masters records death in 605 ad. feast 4 august.
st. gobhan, known founding , abbacy of monastery of oldleighlin, active @ later date in ossory @ killamery. appear sometime before 633 ad left monastery @ oldleighlin, , along numerous monks journeyed west kingdom of ossory , settled @ killamery. whether founded killamery or merely enhanced it, disputed; during abbacy fame , importance flourished. 9th-century book félire Óengusso, (the feastology of oengus), states him: of gobban of cell lamraide in hui cathrenn in west of ossory, thousand monks had, experts , of them gobban.
st. findech of cell fhinnche, (killinny, kilkenny) described in félire Óengusso martyr, though refers ascetic exile. feast february 2.
st. muicin, bishop , confessor, feast celebrated on 4 march. name appears under irish forms muicin, muccin, mucinne, and, in latin, moginus , mochinus. according pedigree in book of leinster of royal race of ossory, dal birn ; thus: muccin, son of mocha, son of barind, son of findchadli, son of dega, son of droida, son of buan, son of loegaire birn buadhach, son of aengus osrithe. decnait, daughter of gabrin, [and] sister of fintan of cluain-eidhnech, muccin s mother. venerated patron of mayne, kylermugh, kilderry , sheepstown. lived in same period uncle, st. fintan great founder of clonenagh, , died in year 630. commemorated in martyrology of tallaght.
st. fergal abbot of aghaboe in 8th century , later traveled franconia received pippin younger. invitation of odilo, duke of bavaria arrived @ salzburg , made bishop there, being known ever after st. vergilius of salzburg geometer. feast november 27.

media related virgilius of salzburg @ wikimedia commons

perhaps famously, Óengus of tallaght, compiler of first calendar of irish saints, (called félire Óengusso) born , raised in northern ossory @ clúain Édnech (clonenagh, co. laois), , began monastic vocation there calendar states. feast march 11.
the relics of saint nicholas reputed have been stolen bari crusading knights, , buried in south of osraige near thomastown, co. kilkenny; stone slab marks site. date period following disestablishment of southern osraige kingdom, while northern third still remained.

reputed grave slab of st. nicholas.

st. patrick reputedly passed through osraige according tradition, , st. ciarán s vitae relate st. patrick ordained man osraige named martin. freestanding statue of him erected in honor of bishop of ossory stands in kilkenny, in addition other local commemorations. mac giolla phádraig rulers of osraige adopted surname in honour of st. patrick 10th-century ancestor, king giolla phádraig, , appear 1 of few irish dynasties bear name of saintly derivation. (another example includes ua mael sechlainn (o melaghlin) dynasts kings of mide.)

^ archived copy . archived original on 26 august 2014. retrieved 21 august 2014. 
^ on life of st. patrick . retrieved 2017-03-16. 
^ john francis shearman. loca patriciana: identification of localities, chiefly in leinster .. p. 391. retrieved 2017-03-16. 
^ (this wikisource partially out-dated.)
^ archived copy . archived original on 7 march 2015. retrieved 21 august 2014. 
^ page not found – cornwall council . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ archived copy . archived original on 7 march 2014. retrieved 7 march 2014. 
^ kilkenny – cill chainnigh – saints patrick , kieran . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ topography of ireland (pdf). retrieved 2017-03-16. 
^ dmitry lapa. holy father modomnoc of ossory, patron saint of bees. commemorated: february 13/26 / . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ martyrology of oengus culdee: félire Óengusso céli dé . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ martyrology of oengus culdee . retrieved 2017-03-16. 
^ hymn saint brigid of brogan-cloen liber hymnorum (broccan s hymn) – youtube . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ stokes, w. (1905). feĺire ońgusso ceĺi de.́: martyrology of oengus, culdee. harrison , sons, printers. retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ kyle (clonfert-mulloe), county laois . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ clonfertmulloe . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ kyle (clonfert mulloe) · corpus of romanesque sculpture in britain & ireland . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ history , antiquities of diocese of ossory . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ st molua s online . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ tweeting saints in medieval irish martyrologies -february (with images) · peritiaeditors · storify . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ martyrology of oengus culdee . retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ healy, j. (1905). life , writings of st. patrick: appendices, etc. m. h. gill & son, limited. p. 408. retrieved 14 february 2017. 
^ bethada náem nÉrenn . retrieved 14 february 2017. 


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