20th century History of North Dakota

1 20th century

1.1 retail stores
1.2 politics
1.3 langer , npl
1.4 after 1945

1.4.1 isolationism
1.4.2 npl merges democratic party

1.5 farming

20th century

many entrepreneurs built stores, shops, , offices along main street. handsome ones used pre-formed, sheet iron facades, manufactured mesker brothers of st. louis. these neoclassical, stylized facades added sophistication brick or wood-frame buildings throughout state.

retail stores

in rural areas farmers , ranchers depended on small local general stores had limited stock , slow turnover; make enough profit stay in operation selling @ high prices. prices not marked on each item; instead customer negotiated price. men did of shopping, since main criteria credit rather quality of goods. indeed, customers shopped on credit, paying off bill when crops or cattle later sold; owner s ability judge credit worthiness vital success.

in cities consumers had more choice, , bought dry goods , supplies @ locally owned department stores. had wider selection of goods in country general stores, , provided tags gave actual selling price. in era before credit cards, department stores provided limited credit selected customers; else paid cash. set attractive displays and, after 1900, window displays well. clerks—usually men before 1940s—were experienced salesmen knowledge of products appealed better educated middle-class housewives did of shopping. keys success large variety of high-quality brand-name merchandise, high turnover, reasonable prices, , frequent special sales. larger stores sent buyers denver, minneapolis, , chicago once or twice year evaluate newest trends in merchandising , stock on latest fashions. 1920s , 1930s, large mail-order houses such sears, roebuck & co. , montgomery ward provided serious competition, department stores relied more on salesmanship, , close integration community.


from late 19th century, north dakota s politics dominated republican party. populist movement made little headway among ethnic farmers. representative leader john miller (1853–1908). born in new york of scottish ancestry, came north dakota during bonanza farm period, 1878–89. republican, entered politics , elected state s first governor, serving 2 years, after devoted time farm management. greatest victory won governor defeat of charter state lottery. returned bonanza farm business , organized john miller land company in 1896. miller became president of newly incorporated chaffee-miller milling company in 1906. interested in numerous projects civic , social improvement until death in 1908.

republican senator asle gronna reflected attitudes of region – progressive , isolationist. blamed munition makers preparedness movement , world war , part of little group of willful men, labeled president woodrow wilson. in 1919, staunch isolationist opposed league of nations treaty because further entangled united states in foreign relationships , limited national decision making. gronna failed win reelection in 1920.

langer , npl

the non-partisan league (npl) faction of republican party ran farmers candidates in republican primaries. formed in 1915 roots in agrarian populism, strongest in north-central , northwestern areas of state, norwegian americans predominated. npl advocated state control counter power of railroads, banks , cities. of programs remain in place day, notably state-owned bank , state-owned mill , grain elevator. conservatives, based in towns , cities, fought back, , republican primaries scene of intense political battles.

in 1916 lynn frazier led nonpartisan league in right-wing populist movement gained control of north dakota s lower house , won 79% of popular vote in north dakota s gubernatorial election of 1916. campaigning republicans against democrats supported intellectuals , liberal reformers espousing collectivist , corporate farming, npl gained large share of rural , agrarian vote. elected john miller baer united states house of representatives. in 1918 elections, npl won control of both houses of legislature, , afterwards enacted significant portion of populist platform. established state-run enterprises such railroad, north dakota mill , elevator, , bank of north dakota. npl set home building association, aid people in financing , building houses. legislature passed graduated state income tax, distinguishing between earned , unearned income; authorized state hail insurance fund, , established workmen s compensation fund assessed employers. in addition, device of popular recall of elected officials enacted whereby first governor in u.s. history recalled frazier during third term. populist movement embodied extended canada in form of alberta non-partisan league.

william langer (1886–1959) in 1916 elected state attorney general on npl ticket, 1 of few urban men in farm group. langer closed brothels in minot, became federal marshal raid minnesota brewery, , enforced school attendance laws. turned npl political machine. elected governor @ nadir of great depression in 1932, langer declared debt moratorium, stopped foreclosures, , raised price of wheat paid state-owned grain elevator state s wheat farmers. solicited 5% of each state employee s salary npl newspaper, led federal conspiracy charges, initial criminal conviction, , removal office in 1934. later acquitted , reelected governor in 1936. langer moved senate in 1940, served until 1959. despite overt political opportunism , rumors taking bribes, langer s interventions during depression overshadowed charges of corruption in minds of voters.

after 1945

in 1940s , 1950s, state s congressional delegation comprised senators william langer , milton r. young , representatives william lemke , usher lloyd burdick. in foreign policy formed isolationist bloc opposed american involvement in cold war, , opposed un, truman doctrine, marshall plan, north atlantic treaty organization, korean war, southeast asian treaty organization, formosa resolution, , eisenhower doctrine of 1957. reflected isolationist spirit dominated german american element in state, , likewise strong among scandinavian americans. burdick s isolationism reflected deep fears of communism , world government and, in turn, threat pose sovereignty of united states. many of constituents saw global entanglements, particularly war, obvious dangers state s agricultural economy , lifestyle. sharpest criticisms came in wake of outbreak of war in korea. burdick remembered best independent voting behavior, advocacy downtrodden, , leadership in building rhetoric of opposition un in united states.

npl merges democratic party

by 1950s, npl had developed part of political establishment in north dakota. group of young insurgents in 1956 merged npl democratic party. while governorship of state has been held approximately same amount of time both parties since democratic-npl party formed in 1956, state legislature has been dominated republicans.


north dakota has long been agricultural state in union. farms have increased in acreage , decreased in number. tenancy diminishing technological advances made, , more fertilizer being used. cash grains being replaced feed grains , roughage, , because of soilbank , wheat acreage allotments, on 30 percent of crop land not harvested. farm standard of living high farm population decreases. schools , churches reduced in number consolidation , merger.


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