Selected papers Ravi Gomatam

^ gomatam, ravi (2007). niels bohr s interpretation , copenhagen interpretation -- 2 incompatible? . philosophy of science. 74 (5): 736–748. doi:10.1086/525618. 
^ copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics . stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. 2014-07-24. retrieved 2015-12-28. 
^ kutach, douglas (2010). philosophy of quantum mechanics, spring 2010 . assignment 2. retrieved 2015-12-28. 
^ gomatam, ravi (1999). quantum theory , observation problem . journal of consciousness studies. 6 (11-12): 173–90. arxiv:0708.1587 . 
^ turvey, michael t. (2015). quantum-like issues @ nature s ecological scale (the scale of organisms , environments) . mind , matter. 13 (1). retrieved 2015-12-27. 
^ prinz, wolfgang; beisert, miriam; herwig, arvid (2013). action science: foundations of emerging discipline. cambridge, massachusetts; london, england: mit press. p. 160. retrieved 2015-12-28. 
^ stuckey, w.m.; silberstein, michael (2000). uniform spaces in pregeometric modeling of quantum non-separability . international journal of theoretical physics. arxiv:gr-qc/0003104 . 
^ pardalos, panos m.; yatsekno, vitaliy a. optimization , control of quantum-mechanical processes . optimization , control of bilinear systems: theory, algorithms, , applications. 11. new york: springer. p. 208. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-73669-3. isbn 978-0-387-73669-3. 
^ gomatam, ravi (2011). how classical , quantum probabilities differ? . in a. khrennikov. foundations of probabilities , physics - 6. 1424. american institute of physics conference proceedings. pp. 105–110. doi:10.1063/1.3688958. 
^ gomatam, ravi (2010). macroscopic quantum mechanics , system of systems design approach (pdf). indo-us workshop on systems engineering. india: iit kanpur. 
^ gomatam, ravi (2009). quantum theory, chinese room argument , symbol grounding problem . in p. bruza et al. quantum interaction-2009, lecture notes in artificial intelligence. 5494. berlin, heidelberg: springer-verlag. pp. 174–183. cs1 maint: uses editors parameter (link)
^ gomatam, ravi (2010). quantum realism , haecceity . in partha ghose. levels of reality: part 5: materialism , immaterialism in india , west: varying vistas, hspcic. 12. new delhi, india: csc, indian council of philosophical research. cs1 maint: uses editors parameter (link)
^ gomatam, ravi (2010). popper s propensity interpretation , heisenberg s potentia interpretation — comparative assessment . in pradip k. sengupta. history of science , philosophy of science: historical perspective of evolution of ideas in science. 13. new delhi, india: csc, indian council of philosophical research. cs1 maint: uses editors parameter (link)
^ gomatam, ravi (2005). hodgson s propositions uniquely characterize free will? . journal of consciousness studies. imprint academic: uk. 12 (1): 32–40. 
^ gomatam, ravi (2004). physics , common sense: relearning connections in light of quantum theory . in chattopadhyaya, d.p. & sen gupta, a.k. philosophical consciousness , scientific knowledge: conceptual linkages , civilizational background, hspcic. new delhi: csc, indian council of philosophical research. cs1 maint: uses editors parameter (link)


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