Presidential bid (1988) Jack Kemp

kemp leaves meet-the-candidates rally 1988 republican presidential candidates in county stadium in union, south carolina, on october 3, 1987. william daroff standing directly behind kemp s left shoulder.

in 1988, if kemp had won campaign united states presidency, have made him first person move united states house of representatives white house since james garfield. when formed exploratory committee, signed ed rollins, reagan s 1984 re-election political director, advisor. outset, kemp had failed position himself primary alternative vice president bush. except select few cognoscenti, general public did not recognize kemp s leadership ability, although successful man of ideas. in fact, of republican electorate found unfamiliar kemp in campaign. political pundits recognized him, however, visionary idea man. in addition, perceived verbose speaker lost contact audience. although kemp tried appeal conservatives, libertarian philosophies of tolerance , individual rights , commitment supporting minorities, women, blue-collar workers , organized labor clashed conservative voters social , religious values. democrats, kemp s free-market philosophies form of laissez-faire anarchy. however, as kemp wanted minimize government s role, acknowledged moves toward more laissez-faire system should well-thought out.

after may 1987 gary hart–donna rice scandal, questionnaire new york times requested things such psychiatric records , access fbi files 14 presidential candidates. candidates each party expressed opinions on both sides of personal privacy issue, , kemp rejected times inquiry beneath dignity of presidential candidate . campaign on positive course many key endorsements in new hampshire, bush held support of of republican establishment in new york. although had eclectic mix of supporters, kemp s campaign began borrowing against anticipated federal matching funds because had spent red, may have been due use of expensive direct mail fundraising techniques. offset socially moderate stances, kemp clarified opposition abortion, support of strategic defense initiative (sdi) , support stronger military favored secretary of state george shultz. position himself reagan s successor, kemp called shultz s resignation based on claims shultz had neglected freedom fighters in afghanistan , nicaragua , had waffled on sdi. in attempt highlight stands on key reagan era foreign policy initiatives, kemp traveled in september 1987 costa rica, honduras , el salvador lobby presidents of nations against arias peace plan—a peace accord conservatives felt conciliatory central american communists. accompanied on trip 50-plus conservative leaders.

despite platform covering full range of political subjects, kemp s primary campaign weapon fiscal policy based on tax cuts. part of fiscal policy, opposed social security benefits freeze , endorsed freeze on government spending. viewed kemp s supply-side stance attempt ignore national budget deficit. in late 1987, political pundits saw kemp needed gain support far right on non-social issues. kemp among majority of republican candidates in opposition reagan s inf treaty agreement soviet union s mikhail gorbachev despite general republican voter approval of treaty. aspirations of support right-wing voters, candidates low levels of poll support nomination took same sabre-rattling stand. 1988, moderates (bush , dole) front-runners , kemp battling pat robertson conservative alternative moderates.

he used negative advertising campaign seemed have intended initial effect of boosting him serious contention. 1988 campaign based on platform of supply-side economics , inner-city enterprise zones. in bare knuckles , rooms: life in american politics, campaign chairman rollins described kemp candidate foibles. kemp s campaign managers unmanageable: ignored timers on speeches, refused call contributors, , refused practice debates. humbling super tuesday, in 39 delegate total fewer eventual nominee , president bush , both dole , pat robertson, ended campaign. after withdrawing race, still considered contender vice president nomination. in 1989, kemps switched official residence hamburg, new york bethesda, maryland, residence @ time of death. in 1994, kemp s 1988 campaign reached settlement federal election commission agreeing pay $120,000 in civil penalties 1988 campaign election law violations for, among other things, excessive contributions, improper direct corporate donations, press overbilling, exceeding spending limits in iowa , new hampshire, , failure reimburse corporations providing air transportation.


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