Characters Phi Brain: Puzzle of God

1 characters

1.1 root academy
1.2 puzzle of god
1.3 orpheus order
1.4 master brain
1.5 others

root academy

kaito daimon (大門カイト, daimon kaito)
voiced by: shintarō asanuma (japanese); david wald (english)
kaito high school freshman enjoys solving puzzles, feeling insulted whenever used hurting others parents killed while attempting solve deadly puzzle. carries solver title, einstein . 1 day, discovers orpheus armband attaches arm. under high levels of stress, enters strange state allows him use brain fullest potential , see solution puzzle. normally, orpheus armband glows in bright golden light , shows kaito solution puzzle, after faints , exhausted. of 20th episode, armband has evolved along kaito (as observed rook). glows in dark blue light , shows kaito apocalyptic future (including of dead friends), if continues down path. kaito realizes no 1 should divine scrolls sealed pythagoras p.o.g. wants. after 23rd episode, orpheus bangle shatters, kaito still able use accelerated brain potential without losing convictions.
kaito not seem have many interests other solving puzzles. seen in first episode, e.g. use school property (in case school desks) solve puzzles, if can t see through them right away. friend nonoha scolds him , slacking off, not refraining physical violence well. although still uncertain kind of feelings might have her, kaito cares lot nonoha not letting come in harms way. hides fact 1 of friends, kindergarten teacher madoka, in fact p.o.g. giver. kaito outspoken nonoha s cooking, calling nonoha sweets weapons of mass destruction , causes nonoha punish him physically. now, kaito 1 openly dislikes nonoha s cooking.

nonoha itou (井藤ノノハ, itō nonoha)
voiced by: kaori shimizu (japanese); luci christian (english)
kaito s childhood best friend, accompanies him when goes solve puzzles. possesses great strengths, excelling @ sports, , has photographic memory, though not actual puzzles. makes sweets finds delicious kaito incredibly fearful of. after helping kindergarten kids during puzzle, ends title nightingale . shock her, since sees title weirdo .
throughout series, heavily hinted nonoha has feelings kaito. not hesitate stalk kaito when there girl or woman involved. purpose, forces gammon tag along. however, not admit fact herself, claiming has nothing her. of tsundere-type , takes frustrations out on kaito, mostly, when insults cooking.

gammon sakanoue (逆之上ギャモン, sakanōe gyamon)
voiced by: jun fukuyama (japanese); christopher patton (english)
a red haired solver title, galileo . solves puzzle money purposes , trying ahead of kaito in order claim purported treasures offered pog. appears have crush on nonoha , enters cross-dressing contest show feminine side. gammon holds competitive rivalry kaito. calls him bakaito , combination of kaito s name , japanese word baka , meaning idiot (the english version uses daimoron , combination of kaito s last name , word moron ). kaito , him seem have quite few similarities, hot temper being obvious. has shown on many occasions ability @ solving puzzles way above many others , , can spot veterans might not see. example, able pinpoint kaito did not make mistake during battles freecell, , improvised accordingly. noted seems on par kaito, except when kaito s rate of thinking accelerated orpheus bangle.
gammon seen leather jacket , pants, giving him delinquent appearance along hairstyle , way of talking. rides motorcycle.
upon realizing (after plot rook separate kaito friends) kaito on level him, gammon not cope distancing himself kaito (like cubic , ana). after p.o.g. finds out in fact chido setsu , mysterious puzzle giver magazine, gammon invited himekawa elena join them. passes test bishop , invited rook join him in quest of solving puzzle of god . gammon makes radical change in personality. used competitive rivalry between him , kaito turns (seemingly) pure hatred. gammon not want kaito solve puzzle of god intends himself , prove superior, both solver , giver. true motives yet revealed.
after engaging kaito in deadly puzzle sole purpose of crushing him, kaito makes mistake (after seeing possible future) , kill him, before being called bishop, dismay. proves resolve, rook , bishop still remain doubtful of loyalty towards p.o.g. (as solver well) , true motives.

cubik galois (キュービック・g, kyūbikku garoa)
voiced by: kōki miyata (japanese); shannon emerick (english)
a young boy title of edison , inventing various robotics. more fascinated mathematics opposed puzzles, though takes interest in kaito after witnessing phi-brain in action. @ first, appeared self-centered, resulted him being young understand full extent of of actions. nonoha calls him ku-kun , quite common practice in japan makes various puns (like character q james bond series). fiercely loyal kaito , uses gadgets aid him as possible.

ana gram (アナ・グラム, ana guramu)
voiced by: satsuki yukino (japanese); brittney karbowski (english)
a rather effeminate cross-dressing boy knowledge of famous paintings enjoys painting himself. ana wins cross-dressing contest of school, without entering. supposedly has ability communicate spirits of created puzzles. solver title of da vinci , name being pun on word anagram. has elder sister named eve, seems have connection mizerka orpheus order.

souji jikukawa (軸川ソウジ, jikukawa souji)
voiced by: akira ishida (japanese); blake shepard (english)
he president of student council president of puzzle club. seen smiling around others (except headmaster) , likes drink boxed apple juice straw, states treasure. initially, solver title of newton unable obtain phi brain in freshman year. headmaster introduces him p.o.g., became known giver under name of minotaur first hinted in first episode. turns out disguise, in fact member of p.o.g. section Φ. revealed despises direction of new p.o.g., new chief of headquarters, use puzzles mean commit murder. prevent this, hacks p.o.g. s server once, kaito , give him necessary information solve puzzle , save nonoha , himself.

souji worried well-being of underclassmen, kaito , friends, vows himself guide them puzzle of god. respected within student body. kaito acknowledges fact souji able turn ugly puzzle beautiful 1 within seconds. being unable figure him out, hinted kaito starts suspecting souji of being involved p.o.g., souji 1 gave him pager, @ end ninth episode.

souji has not accepted fact rejected orpheus bangles yet, shown when orpheus order made snide remarks him not being qualified opponent since battles children of phi brain.

other students

tamaki chieno (千枝乃 タマキ, chieno tamaki)

voiced by: rina satō (japanese); carli mosier (english)
root academy s student council vice president has crush on souji. temporarily manipulated being member of orpheus order when thought kaito standing in way between , souji, being given orpheus earring, later breaks when kaito solves puzzle.

airi mizutani (水谷 アイリ, mizutani airi)

voiced by: mai goto (japanese); cynthia martinez (english)
a student @ root academy. 1 of members of puzzle club. when airi little, knew how solve puzzles; reason, can t anymore. pretty clumsy, e.g. falling on stairs , dropping things in caféteria while carrying food. tamaki, temporarily manipulated being member of orpheus order, , personality changes clumsy, cheerful girl princess-like. however, orpheus ring breaks later when kaito solves puzzle.

naoki takeda (武田 ナオキ, takeda naoki)

voiced by: masahito yabe (japanese); clint bickham (english)
a member of root academy s puzzle club challenging kaito sudoku puzzles.

yuuichi aizawa

puzzle of god

rook banjo crossfield (ルーク・盤城・クロスフィールド, rūku banjō kurosufīrudo)
voiced by: takahiro sakurai (japanese); greg ayres (english)
leader of p.o.g. japan , baron pythagora s confidant. p.o.g. giver , dear childhood friend of kaito.

bishop (ビショップ, bishoppu)
voiced by: mamoru miyano (japanese); john gremillion (english)
rook s right hand man.

elena himekawa (姫川 エレナ, himekawa erena)
voiced by: megumi nakajima (japanese); shelley calene-black (english)
elena 14-year-old idol, p.o.g. giver title antoinette . hosts show called puzzle kingdom , , popular. although has many personal problems - such not working s not pleased or hating people have friends.
she accidentally admits kaito , nonoha fell in love gammon, despite fact both of them did not hear that. however, unsure of feelings towards him, after gammon joined p.o.g. , told of true motives.

baron kaidou (解道バロン, kaidō baron)
voiced by: keiji fujiwara (japanese); jay hickman (english)
he headmaster of root gakuen high school. throughout series, there few things revealed him, connection p.o.g. has been hinted on several occasions. in ninth episode, revealed baron section-chief of section Φ, section within p.o.g. own jurisdiction. has opposed new direction of p.o.g. turn puzzles murderous threats, no intention of letting solver survive. motive bringing souji jikugawa section , guiding kaito , friends puzzle of god. baron 1 brought kaito root gakuen high school , hinted in several flashbacks involved in kaito s past.
he defects p.o.g. after telling kaito parents in fact givers chosen p.o.g. raise him. actual betrayal statement started loving him own child , taking on fool s puzzle intended raise kaito new level, therefore not allowing him come harm s way. shows kaito video of puzzle room, when hears them have ordinary birthday celebration, without forcing him solve puzzles , having fun. after that, baron taken in p.o.g. returns, however, @ end of 20th episode, seemingly on p.o.g. island, , states (talking imaginary jin) divine revelations not meant humankind.

orpheus order

a group dedicated usage of orpheus artifacts unlock mankind s hidden potential, believe locked gods afraid of humans intelligence. quint sent battle kaito s group, led boy named freecell.

freecell (フリーセル, furīseru)
voiced by: hiroshi kamiya (japanese); christopher ayres (english)
one of orpheus order s members. de facto leader of group orpheus order pit against kaito s group, 5 owners of orpheus bangles , thus, children of phi brain. appears have personal grudge against kaito, believing promise broke him caused mother die sad. revealed using replica ring when pushed mind limits trying save kaito collapse , turns real orpheus ring.

pinochle (ピノクル, pinokuru)
voiced by: tomokazu sugita (japanese); ty mahany (english)
one of orpheus order s members. freecell s childhood friend. loyal freecell though feel intimidated him. specializes in researching 1 s patterns , developing strategy against them. has no qualms using dirty tricks in order win, psychological attacks. revealed using replica ring when kaito saves him , ring breaks.

doubt (ダウト, dauto)
voiced by: daisuke ono (japanese); andrew love (english)
one of orpheus order s members. physically overbearing of quint. has 0 tolerance nonsense , unpunctuality. pledges absolute loyalty klondike , endures klondike s wishes no matter how goes against own will. 1 in quint not feel intimidated freecell. revealed using replica ring when , mizerka obtains confidential information orpheus order.

melancholy (メランコリィ, merankorī)
voiced by: momoko saito (japanese); monica rial (english)
one of orpheus order s members. act in arrogant , selfish way, , appearance, gives people impression s child. addresses mizerka elder sister , not known whether 2 blood-related. moreover, seems dominant 1 in relationship, despite being younger sister . however, finds freecell scary @ times, in same way mizerka feel intimidated melancholy. noted in episode preview, stated not young looks, whether canonical or not unknown. member of freecell s group genuine orpheus ring, has been concealing fact working klondike. interestingly, 1 in orpheus order have name not related card games. however, have been taken fictional perfect melancholy game, variation of concentration game in medaka box.

mizerka (ミゼルカ, mizeruka)
voiced by: yōko hikasa (japanese); emily neves (english)
one of orpheus order s members. seems acquainted ana s elder sister, eve. has stated hates free-spirited people ana. freecell noted mizerka s puzzle-solving method orthodox among five, , cool-headed among them. has ambivalent feelings towards melancholy, liking younger sister feeling intimidated @ same time. revealed using replica ring when , doubt obtains confidential information orpheus order.

whist (ホイスト, hoisuto)
voiced by: katsuyuki konishi (japanese); kyle jones (english)
one of orpheus order s members. works butler , serves klondike s right-hand man. serves fair judge puzzle battles between freecell s group , kaito s group. running gag involves melancholy calling him whi , whist replying name whist instead, , addressing melancholy lady mela in polite albeit cynical manner. later revealed have been working freecell , betrays klondike.

klondike (クロンダイク, kurondaiku)
voiced by: hori hideyuki (japanese); john swasey (english)
leader of orpheus order. joined orpheus order @ young age , made top ease. due fact rejected orpheus ring, has been working on way create perfect replica ring himself fulfil own purposes. gaining data replica rings in freecell s group. succeeds in making final ring himself, perfect replica of orpheus ring, when absorbs kaito s brainwaves.

master brain

johan sigmund enigma (ヨハン・ジーグムント・エニグマ, yohan jīgumunto eniguma)
voiced by: jōji nakata
johan sigmund enigma president of republic of amgine.

raetsel (レイツェル, reitseru)
voiced by: minori chihara

a young girl has past jin, has traveled world him solving fools puzzles. during time receives cat pendant jin, seen wearing throughout 3rd series. going solve puzzle, jin leaves her, never see each other until beginning of series. after parting raetsel jin met kitao , rook @ greathenge.


jin makata (真方ジン, makata jin)

voiced by: takehito koyasu (japanese); h.k. kahng (english)
a mysterious person of kaito s childhood had served of mentor kaito , rook.

shizuka daimon

voiced by: kazusa murai (japanese); meaghan avocado (english)
kaito s deceased mother.

akira daimon (大門アキラ, daimon akira)

voiced by: toshihide tsuchiya (japanese); kyle jones (english)
kaito s deceased father.

count pythagoras
miharu sakanoue (逆之上ミハル, sakanoue miharu)

voiced by: ayana taketatsu (japanese); maggie flecknoe (english)
gammon s 14 year old little sister. bad @ cooking , seems big brother much.


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