Life Consolata Betrone

pierina betrone daughter of pietro betrone , giuseppina nirino, owners of bakery in saluzzo (cuneo) , managers of restaurant in airasco (turin), pierina second of 6 daughters born of father s second marriage.

after 3 failed attempts join active orders, advised confessor enter convent of poor clares in turin. on february 28, 1930 took veil under name sister maria consolata. (the blessed virgin mary venerated in turin under name of consolata, i.e., consoler of afflicted.)

she known prayer: jesus, mary, love you: save souls not words meant used ejaculatory prayer. concrete way , live little way of love taught saint thérèse of lisieux (saint thérèse de l enfant jésus et de la sainte face).

this prayer contains both christ s gospel teachings love : love first lord our heart , soul, strength , mind ( jesus, mary, love ...), second, love others ourselves (... save souls ). souls means souls  : priests , consecrated persons last sinners in world, including purgatory souls. then, prayer, said day long heart, means each jesus, mary, love you, save souls , 1 soul saved.

sister consolata spent whole life attempting bring perfection tiny way of love. used fight every thought, every word, every emotion, keep unceasing jesus, mary, save souls day long, not spoil 1 of them (because 1 of them means soul, jesus taught her).

after sister consolata s death, father lorenzo sales wrote book jesus appeals world based on reported messages.

in 1995 cardinal giovanni saldarini started canonical process of beatification sister mary consolata betrone.


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