In domestic politics Black propaganda

1 in domestic politics

1.1 australian media
1.2 british media
1.3 united states media
1.4 united states government
1.5 religious black propaganda
1.6 environmentalist black propaganda

in domestic politics
australian media

in run-up 2007 federal election in australia, flyers circulated around sydney under name of fake organisation called islamic australia federation. flyers thanked australian labor party supporting terrorism, islamic fundamentalists, , bali bombing suspects. group of sydney-based liberal party members implicated in incident.

british media

in november 1995, sunday telegraph newspaper article alleged libya s saif al-islam gaddafi (muammar gaddafi s son) connected currency counterfeiting. story s author, con coughlin, falsely attributed claim british banking official , information came mi6 agents. fact, , fact coughlin had no other sources story, came light when saif gaddafi later sued newspaper libel.

grigory zinoviev

the zinoviev letter fake letter published in 1924 in british newspaper daily mail. claimed letter comintern president grigory zinoviev communist party of great britain. called on communists mobilise sympathetic forces in labour party , talked of creating dissent in armed forces. zinoviev letter instrumental in conservative victory in 1924 general election. letter seemed authentic @ time historians believe forgery. called intensified communist agitation in britain. historians agree letter had little impact on labour vote—which held in 1924. however, aided conservative party in hastening collapse of liberal party led conservative landslide.

united states media

in roorback forgery of 1844 chronicle of ithaca, new york ran story, supposedly german tourist called baron von roorback, james k. polk, standing re-election democrat united states house of representatives, branded slaves before selling them @ auction distinguish them others on sale. polk benefited ploy, reflected badly on opponents when lie found out. afterwards term roorback coined political dirty tricks.
during 1972 u.s. presidential election, donald h. segretti, political operative president richard nixon s reelection campaign, released faked letter, on senator edmund muskie s letterhead, falsely alleging senator henry scoop jackson, against whom muskie running democratic party s nomination, had had illegitimate child seventeen-year-old. muskie, had been considered frontrunner, lost nomination george mcgovern, , nixon reelected. letter part of campaign of so-called dirty tricks , directed segretti, , uncovered part of watergate scandal. segretti went prison in 1974 after pleading guilty 3 misdemeanor counts of distributing illegal campaign literature. of dirty tricks canuck letter , although libel of muskie , not black propaganda piece.

united states government

the federal bureau of investigation s counter-intelligence program cointelpro , intended to, according fbi, expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities of black nationalists, hate-type organizations , groups, leadership, membership, , supporters. black propaganda used on communists , black panther party. used against domestic opponents of invasion of vietnam, labor leaders, , native americans . fbi s strategy captured in 1968 memo: consider use of cartoons, photographs, , anonymous letters have effect of ridiculing new left. ridicule 1 of potent weapons can use against it. fbi employed similar tactic in 1968 disrupt activities of ku klux klan, hundreds of racist flyers misleading information fabricated , made appear if originated known klan leaders.
penkovsky papers example of black propaganda effort conducted united states central intelligence agency during 1960s. penkovsky papers alleged have been written soviet gru defector, colonel oleg penkovsky, in fact produced cia in effort diminish soviet union s credibility @ pivotal time during cold war.

religious black propaganda

the church of scientology, under leadership of l. ron hubbard, alleged have advocated usage of black propaganda destroy reputation or public belief in persons, companies or nations practice of fair game against suppressive persons. after author paulette cooper wrote scandal of scientology, church of scientology ran false flag operation stole stationery in order fabricate bomb threats.

environmentalist black propaganda

the let s go! shell in arctic website designed official website royal dutch shell, in fact fake produced greenpeace.

^ howard forced fight off dirty tricks allegations . new zealand herald. 22 november 2007. retrieved 20 september 2011. 
^ young, audrey (22 november 2007). howard s speech overshadowed race issues . new zealand herald. retrieved 20 september 2011. 
^ ansley, greg (23 november 2007). fake flyers derail howard . new zealand herald. retrieved 20 september 2011. 
^ leigh, david (2000-06-12). tinker, tailor, soldier, journalist . guardian. london. retrieved 2007-06-16. 
^ byrnes, mark e. (2001). james k. polk: biographical companion. santa barbara, ca: abc clio. p. 183. isbn 978-1-57607-056-7. 
^ archived copy . archived original on 2010-07-19. retrieved 2009-09-20. 
^ churchill & vanderwall, p. 187; martin luther king, jr. papers project))
^ shulsky, abram , gary schmitt. silent warfare. washington: brasseys, 2002
^ kent, stephen a. (2006). scientology . in daniel a. stout. encyclopedia of religion, communication, , media. routledge encyclopedias of religion , society. crc press. pp. 390–392. isbn 978-0-415-96946-8. 
^ united states of america v. jane kember, morris budlong, sentencing memorandum; pp. 23–25.
^ shell in arctic . greenpeace. archived original on 10 june 2012. retrieved 25 april 2017. 
^ stenovec, timothy (18 july 2012). shell arctic ready hoax website greenpeace takes internet storm . huffington post. retrieved 3 august 2013. 


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