Details Astoria Column

the column in 1938, photographed george a. grant.

the 125-foot (38 m)-tall column stands atop 600-foot (180 m)-tall coxcomb hill , includes interior spiral staircase leads observation deck @ top. spiral sgraffito frieze on exterior of structure 7 feet wide, , 525 feet (160 m) long. painted electus d. litchfield , attilio pusterla, mural shows 14 significant events in history of oregon focus on astoria s role including captain gray s discovery of columbia river in 1792 , lewis & clark expedition.

designed resemble roman trajan s column, astoria column built of concrete , has 12-foot (3.7 m) deep foundation. built @ cost of $27,133.96 ($362,840.21 in 2014 dollars), tower has 164 steps top, there replica of state seal of oregon.

a plaque near column commemorates pioneering community antenna television (catv) system built local resident leroy e. ed parsons, @ hotel astoria, in twin-lead transmission wires redistributed signal of krsc-tv (now king-tv) in seattle, washington area homes. former astoria resident byron roman involved in cable invention , distribution.

the cast-iron spiral staircase inside column closed safety reasons in november 2007. reopened public in time regatta in august 2009.


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