Terranes Geology of Taiwan

haian range

the haian range or coastal range terrane belongs luzon volcanic arc (呂宋島火山弧), , on philippine sea plate (菲律賓海板塊). west of longitudinal valley or huatung valley, active depositional zone in rift valley. west of eastern central range terrane, part of continental base has been upturned. western side of range western central range terrane, metamorphosed earlier tertiary clastic sediments. lishan fault separates hsuehshan range terrane eocene oligocene sandstone , shale. chukou fault (觸口斷層) provides boundary western foothills terrane, shallow marine detritus miocene pleistocene. deformation front forms boundary undeformed coastal plains alluvium, still depositing.

the eastern central range terrane can divided tailuko belt on west greenschist metamorphism , yuli belt on east blueschist metamorpism. 2 metamorphic belts possibly separated fault called shoufeng fault, unproven.


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