Other religious organisations List of Indian organisations in Singapore

1 other religious organisations

1.1 government bodies
1.2 jain religious group
1.3 hindu religious groups
1.4 sikh religious group
1.5 muslim religious groups

other religious organisations
government bodies

hindu advisory board
hindu endowments board
sikh advisory board

jain religious group

singapore jain religious society

hindu religious groups

arya samaj in singapore
durga devi amma society
geeta ashram
hindu tamil devotees society
krishna our guide
ksihnam vandey jaga gurum
narayana gurukula
prasanthi sai mission
rajayoga power transcendental meditation centre, singapore
ramakrishna sangeetha sabba
science of living
shiv mandir
shri parmhans advait mat society
singapore ayyappa seva sangham
singapore dakshina bharata brahmana sabha
saiva siddhantha sangam
sri aurobindo society
sri gnanananda seva samajam, singapore
sri sathya sai baba centre of singapore
sri sathya sai baba service centre
sri sathya sai mission
sri sathya sai prema nilayam
sri sathya sai seva centre
sri sathya sai society singapore
sri satya sai baba centre katong
sri satya sai centre selegie
the hindu centre
the singapore hindu sabai
velmurugan temple society

sikh religious group

sikh sewaks singapore

muslim religious groups

federation of indian muslims
dakhni urdu association
islamic fellowship association
kayalpatnam welfare association
kilakkarai welfare association
koothanallur association of singapore
malabar muslim jama-ath
muthupettai association
rifayee thareeq association of singapore
singapore kadayanallur muslim league
singapore tenkasi muslim welfare society
singapore thuckalay muslim association
south indian jamiathul ulama
tariqatu-l arusiyyatu-l qadiriyya worldwide association (singapore)
the jameyathul muslimin of b&c mutlur
thiruvithancode muslim union
united indian muslim association
thopputhurai muslim association (singapore)
nagore association (singapore)
indian muslim social service association (singapore)-imssa
podakkudi association


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