L Glossary of bird terms

also defined herewith: lekking. aggregation of male birds gathered engage in competitive displays (known lekking) may entice visiting females assessing prospective partners copulation.

adj. form: loreal. topographical region of bird s head between eye , beak on sides of head.
lower mandible

also mandible. lower part of bird s bill or beak, corresponding lower jaw of mammals, supported bone known inferior maxillary bone—a compound bone composed of 2 distinct ossified pieces. these ossified plates (or rami), can u-shaped or v-shaped, join distally (the exact location of joint depends on species) separated proximally, attaching on either side of head quadrate bone. jaw muscles, allow bird close beak, attach proximal end of lower mandible , bird s skull. muscles depress lower mandible weak, except in few birds such starlings (and extinct huia), have well-developed digastric muscles aid in foraging prying or gaping actions. in birds, these muscles relatively small compared jaw muscles of sized mammals. outer surface covered in thin horny sheath of keratin called rhamphotheca specially called gnathotheca in lower mandible. compare: upper mandible.


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