Issues in the classroom English-language learner

1 issues in classroom

1.1 instruction
1.2 push-in program versus pull-out program
1.3 assessment
1.4 culture
1.5 teacher attitude

issues in classroom

there various issues within classroom contains considerable number of esl students (english second language), causing strong need additional support, programs, , services. oftentimes, issues arrive because of differences amongst students, teachers, , other peers within school culturally , linguistically diverse. esl students expected same work other students, causes frustration, low self-esteem, anxiety, , leads behavioral problems. teachers must realize not every student learns same , not students have received appropriate schooling perform @ same level counterparts. if teachers become culturally aware , know students , world come becomes easier teacher develop relationship student, gain student s respect, , spend more time on instructional framework opposed correcting students behavior. in 2010–2011 u.s. department of education gathered data making aware half of states graduated less 60 percent of esl students. slightly, achievement gap progressively decreasing between white counterparts more minorities taking hold of high school diplomas. if teachers genuinely care each of esl students , becomes apparent students through lessons, 1 1 interactions, etc., graduations rates going continue increase while dropout rates substantially decrease. 4 critical issues found in today s classrooms, not limited to, following: instruction, assessments, culture within classroom, , teacher s attitudes.


the first critical issue focused on instruction of esl students within classroom , how related standards-based content , esl instruction. teachers may feel esl instruction may separate entity standards-based instruction. on contrary, need acknowledge fact intertwined each other. tesol standard 3a states teachers should know, understand, , use evidence‐based practices , strategies related planning, implementing, , managing standards‐based esl , content instruction . in five-week study huang, research showed classroom instruction appeared play important role in integrating language skills development , academic content learning . study showed students acquire linguistic/literacy skills , scientific knowledge hand in hand assume various communicative , social roles within planned language activities . tying in written texts science content students able improve language development between drafts , build on science content law

push-in program versus pull-out program

two other models of instruction include push-in program , pull-out program. push-in program includes english teacher coming classroom english language learner. many classroom teachers welcome english teacher classrooms , view positive experience children. however, other teachers have not viewed positive choice of instruction because 2 teachers may not see eye eye within teaching , learning in classroom. english teacher not able focus on basic language skills important english language learners. pull-out program consists of english teacher pulling ell out of classroom learn english language skills. pull out program means child miss out on happens within classroom , can provide disadvantage student because missing out having community feeling , being left out of activities class. also, teacher might frustrated child being pulled out @ important times such @ test or literacy activity. however, pull out program can student gain more individualized time in smaller groups. english language learners can have 1 on 1 time learn more basic english language skills no interruptions teacher or students within class. english teacher not need co plan classroom teacher on activities class learning. teacher have own time plan lessons accordingly.


the second critical issue focused on fair , balanced assessment within esl classroom. teachers may come across being biased without recognizing it. often, though, these students either asked participate in tests make unfair assumptions english-language proficiency in order assess content knowledge or conversely, totally excluded testing until english-language proficiency has reached level . tesol standard 4a states teachers need demonstrate understanding of various assessment issues affect ells, such accountability, bias, special education testing, language proficiency, , accommodations in formal testing situations . when teachers capable of understanding various assessment issues able execute reasonable, consistent, , balanced assessments. when visual tactile, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, , interpersonal skills equally recognized avenues of learning , intellect, cld students have increased access curriculum , opportunities demonstrate authentically internalized knowledge . having variety of assessments students able perform best of knowledge. therefore, vital have alternative methods of assessing esl students.


according contiga (2015), culture third issue may not recognized in mainstream classroom. many teachers overlook culture , try jump right english , content knowledge without knowing students backgrounds. teachers need open learning new cultures , having students embrace cultures in classroom. making efforts learn each other s values , beliefs, teacher , student not maximize effectiveness of esl make successful learning experience involved. student shy or reluctant answer questions may more outspoken when talking own values tie in home life. esl teacher, in study called losing strangeness mediate esl teaching , connects culture religious celebrations , holidays , fusion invites students share knowledge . encourage students open , talk cultural backgrounds , traditions within family. teachers encourage cld students maintain cultural or ethnic ties promote personal , academic success . students should not lose identity gain knowledge culture , world around them. therefore, beneficial bring culture esl classroom in order students feel sense of worth in school , in lives.

teacher attitude

the fourth critical issue attitudes of teachers plays major role in esl classroom. teachers may have negative, unwelcoming attitude. research shows teachers negative attitudes may stem chronic lack of time address ells unique classroom needs , intensification of teachers workloads when ells enrolled in mainstream classes , , feelings of professional inadequacy work ells . also, lack of training have huge impact on teaching practices , professional development. teachers stressed , nervous go lesson. anxiety roll on classroom , have negative impact on esl students performances. teachers language-acquisition misconceptions may color attitudes towards ells , ell inclusion, leading educators misdiagnose learning difficulties or misattribute student failure lack of intelligence or effort . providing learning environment, have positive effect on students overall success in terms of linguistic, social, cognitive, , academic developments. in terms of teacher preparation, garcia, o. & menken, k. suggest necessary ell teacher engage in inward self-reflection before acting outwardly. in piece moving forward: ten guiding principles teachers , propose because language teachers act informal policymakers, imperative first understand own ways of languaging , preconceptions languages , language learners. detrimental, conclude, language teacher enter classroom without necessary reflection , self-awareness, these teachers unknowingly impose systems of linguistic discrimination (linguicism).


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