History Divine illumination


socrates says in apology had divine or spiritual sign began when child. voice turned him away do, although never encouraged him anything. apuleius later suggested voice of friendly demon , socrates deserved perfect of human beings.

the christian philosopher augustine (354 – 430) emphasised role of divine illumination in our thought, saying mind needs enlightened light outside itself, can participate in truth, because not nature of truth. light lamp, lord , hear nothing true me have not first told me. according augustine, god not give information, rather gives insight truth of information received ourselves.

if both see true, , both see true, see that? not in you, nor in me, both of in unalterable truth above our minds.


augustine s theory defended christian philosophers of later middle ages, particularly franciscans such bonaventura , matthew of aquasparta. according bonaventura:

things have existence in mind, in own nature (proprio genere), , in eternal art. truth of things in mind or in own nature – given both changeable – sufficient soul have knowledge if soul somehow reaches things in eternal art.

the doctrine criticised john pecham , roger marston, , in particular thomas aquinas, denied in life have divine ideas object of thought, , divine illumination sufficient on own, without senses. aquinas denied there special continuing divine influence on human thought. people have sufficient capacity thought on own, without needing new illumination added onto natural illumination .

the theory defended henry of ghent. henry argued against aquinas aristotle s theory of abstraction not enough explain how can acquire infallible knowledge of truth, , must supplemented divine illumination. thing has 2 exemplars against can compared. first created exemplar exists in soul. second exemplar exists outside soul, , uncreated , eternal. no comparison created exemplar can give infallible truth. since dignity of man requires can acquire such truth, follows have access exemplar in divine mind.

henry s defence of divine illumination criticised franciscan theologian duns scotus, argued henry s version of theory led scepticism.


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