Foster Care Ministry of Children and Family Development (British Columbia)

1 foster care

1.1 types of care homes
1.2 family care homes
1.3 restricted foster homes
1.4 regular family foster home
1.5 specialized family homes
1.6 specialized residential services
1.7 funding foster homes

foster care

in british columbia foster care 1 option providing homes children can t live safely own parents or caregivers. foster parents provide day-to-day care child on behalf of mcfd.

types of care homes

any child or youth placed in foster care must placed in mcfd approved facility. there 2 main types of foster care arrangements, family care homes , specialized residential services. these services both directly funded mcfd.

family care homes

a family care home home provides family atmosphere children cannot cared in own home. families in these homes provide parent care children in care while still providing child support parents , other extended family members when possible.

there 5 different levels of family care homes include: regular family care, restricted family care, , specialized family care, levels 1, 2, , 3.

restricted foster homes

a restricted foster home placement in child placed in home of relative or knows them already. home needs approved mcfd prior placing child in it.

regular family foster home

a regular family foster placement in child placed in home approved mcfd provide care child. these placements provide care children of various ages , abilities. different restricted foster homes in sense these families don’t know child before placed in care.

specialized family homes

a specialized family care home placement in child requires care has moderate extreme behaviour, developmental delays, or health problems. 3 levels of specialized care require caregiver have specialized experience , training. there specific approval process in place able care these types of children. levels 2 , 3 may sometimes

provide specialized intervention , assessment services.

specialized residential services

specialized residential services include services such group homes, intensive child care resources, , treatment foster home programs. these services may operated individual, nonprofit organization or private organization.

funding foster homes

the amount of funding family receives child in care varies according type of care being provided age of child. of april 2009 regular or restricted foster home receives $803.82 child aged 0–11 , $909.95 child aged 12–19. specialized family homes receive more funding depending on level of care provide.


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