Media consolidation debate Media cross-ownership in the United States

1 media consolidation debate

1.1 robert w. mcchesney
1.2 benjamin compaine

1.2.1 american public distrust in media

media consolidation debate
robert w. mcchesney

robert mcchesney, ph. d.

robert mcchesney advocate media reform, , co-founder of free press, established in 2003. work based on theoretical, normative, , empirical evidence suggesting media regulation efforts should more oriented towards maintaining healthy balance of diverse viewpoints in media environment. however, viewpoints on current regulation are; there every bit regulation government before, more explicitly directed serve large corporate interests.

mcchesney believes free press objective more diverse , competitive commercial system significant nonprofit , noncommercial sector. system built citizens, importantly - accessible wants broadcast. not big corporations can afford broadcast nationally, more importantly locally. mcchesney suggests better our current system need establish bona fide noncommercial public radio , television system, local , national stations , networks. expense should come out of general budget

benjamin compaine

benjamin compaine believes current media system “one of competitive major industries in u.s. commerce.” believes of media in united states operating in same market. believes content being interchanged between different media.

compaine believes due convergence, 2 or more things coming together, media has been saved. because of ease of access send same message across multiple , different mediums, message more heard. believes due higher amount of capital , funding, media outlets able stay competitive because trying reach more listeners or readers using newer media.

benjamin compaine s main argument consolidation of media outlets, across multiple ownerships, has allowed better quality of content. stated news interchangeable, , such, making media market less concentrated thought, idea being since same story being pushed across multiple different platforms, can counted 1 news story multiple sources. compaine believed news more readily available, making far easier individuals access traditional methods.

american public distrust in media

a 2012 gallup poll found americans distrust in mass media had hit new high, 60% saying had little or no trust in mass media report news fully, accurately, , fairly. distrust had increased since previous few years, when americans more negative media had been in years before 2004.


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