Governor of South Carolina James F. Byrnes

ironically, byrnes seen relative moderate on race issues. recognizing south not continue entrenched segregationist policies longer fearful of congress imposing sweeping change upon south, opted course of change within. end, sought fulfill @ last separate equal policy south had put forward in supreme court civil rights cases, particularly in regard public education. byrnes poured state money improving negro schools, buying new textbooks , new buses, , hiring additional teachers. sought curb power of ku klux klan passing law prohibited adults wearing mask in public on day other halloween; knew many klansmen feared exposure, , not appear in public in robes unless faces hidden well. byrnes hoped make south carolina example other southern states follow in modifying jim crow policies. nonetheless, naacp sued south carolina force state desegregate schools. byrnes requested kansas, midwestern state segregated schools, provide amicus curiae brief in supporting right of state segregate schools. gave naacp s lawyer, thurgood marshall, idea shift suit south carolina on kansas, led directly brown v. board of education.

the south carolina state constitution limited governors 1 four-year term, , byrnes retired active political life following 1954 election.


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