Handcuffs Police duty belt

1 handcuffs

1.1 chain link or hinged
1.2 rigid
1.3 others

chain link or hinged

handcuffs commonly carried @ many different locations on belt, , using variety of pouches, such open , closed top holders , handcuff loops. wise officers position handcuffs in convenient locations easy retrieval in struggle offender.

recently, concerns have been aired carrying handcuffs on of belt may unsafe, due pressure exerted on small of cuffs , case, while seated. although may not problem beat officers, patrol area on foot, can cause severe problems in vehicle-based response officers. on time, handcuff case may cause rupture in l-5 disc of back, , cause pinching of sciatic nerve — numbing officer s left leg, severely affecting or running ability.

some officers choose carry handcuffs in small of position, not utilize handcuff case, meaning 1 side of handcuffs pushed between officer s belt , trousers (or tucked or trousers), , other side allowed hang loose on outside. method utilized plain clothes officers not wear belt of sort, , therefore unable use proper handcuff case.

modern british police officers carry handcuffs openly have adapted holder designed accommodate cuffs @ angle, speed release mechanism.


speedcuffs plastic grip fitted allow easy manipulation , storage on duty belt

because of rigid bar in type of handcuffs, these tend occupy more space on belt whereas chain link folded; rigid type decreases number of possible wearing positions. typically, cuffs worn in specially designed holster @ 45° angle, on either left or right side of officer, depending on whether left- or right-handed. these types of handcuffs known speedcuffs or quickcuffs, rigid bar design allows officer control suspect , quicker placement on wrist of offender. rigid handcuffs popular in uk.


some officer supplement standard handcuffs disposable restraints ( zip ties ), such asp tri-fold (tm) restraints, can carried in pocket or in specialized pouch on belt.


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