Contemporary scholarship Shekhinah

1 contemporary scholarship

1.1 raphael patai
1.2 comparative religion
1.3 gustav davidson
1.4 branch davidians

contemporary scholarship
raphael patai

in work anthropologist raphael patai entitled hebrew goddess, author argues term shekhinah refers goddess comparing , contrasting scriptural , medieval jewish kabbalistic source materials. patai draws historic distinction between shekhinah , matronit. in book patai discusses hebrew goddesses asherah , anat-yahu.

in bestselling thriller torah codes ezra barany, storyline refers shekhinah goddess , 1 of characters named patai. in appendix essays rabbi shefa gold, zvi bellin, , tania schweig shekhinah.

comparative religion

the qur mentions sakina, or tranquility, referring god s blessing of solace , succour upon both children of israel , muhammad.
shekhinah , in plural, present in gnostic writings written in aramaic, such writings of manichaeans , mandaeans, others. in these writings, shekinas described hidden aspects of god, resembling amahrāspandan of zoroastrians.

gustav davidson

american poet gustav davidson listed shekhinah entry in reference work dictionary of angels, including fallen angels, (1967), stating female incarnation of metatron.

branch davidians

lois roden, whom original branch davidian seventh-day adventist church acknowledged teacher/prophet 1978 1986, laid heavy emphasis on women s spirituality , feminine aspect of god. published magazine, shekinah, rendered shekinah, in explored concept shekhinah holy spirit. articles shekinah reprinted online @ branch davidian website.


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