Classical Jihad

nafl salat

date muslim law laid down jihad in military sense 1 of principal obligations of both head of muslim state , declared jihad, , muslim community. according legal historian sadakat kadri, islamic jurists first developed classical doctrine of jihad towards end of eighth century , using doctrine of naskh (that god gradually improved revelations on course of muhammed s mission) subordinated verses in quran emphasizing harmony more more confrontational verses of muhammad s later years , linked verses on exertion (jihad) of fighting (qital). muslims jurists of eighth century developed paradigm of international relations divides world 3 conceptual divisions, dar al-islam/dar al-‛adl/dar al-salam (house of islam/house of justice/house of peace), dar al-harb/dar al-jawr (house of war/house of injustice, oppression), , dar al-sulh/dar al-‛ahd/dār al-muwada‛ah (house of peace/house of covenant/house of reconciliation). second/eighth century jurist sufyan al-thawri (d. 161/778) headed khadduri calls pacifist school, maintained jihad defensive war, states jurists held position, among whom refers hanafi jurists, al-awza‛i (d. 157/774), malik ibn anas (d. 179/795), , other jurists, stressed tolerance should shown unbelievers, scripturaries , advised imam prosecute war when inhabitants of dar al-harb came conflict islam. duty of jihad collective 1 (fard al-kifaya). directed caliph might delayed when convenient, negotiating truces ten years @ time. within classical islamic jurisprudence – development of dated into—the first few centuries after prophet s death—jihad consisted of wars against unbelievers, apostates, , form of warfare permissible. (another source—bernard lewis—states fighting rebels , bandits legitimate though not form of jihad, , while classical perception , presentation of jihad warfare in field against foreign enemy, internal jihad against infidel renegade, or otherwise illegitimate regime not unknown. )

the primary aim of jihad warfare not conversion of non-muslims islam force, rather expansion , defense of islamic state. in theory, jihad continue until mankind either embraced islam or submitted authority of muslim state. there truces before achieved, no permanent peace. 1 died on path of god martyr, (shahid), sins remitted , secured immediate entry paradise. however, argue martyrdom never automatic because within god s exclusive province judge worthy of designation.

classical manuals of islamic jurisprudence contained section called book of jihad, rules governing conduct of war covered @ great length. such rules include treatment of nonbelligerents, women, children (also cultivated or residential areas), , division of spoils. such rules offered protection civilians. spoils include ghanimah (spoils obtained actual fighting), , fai (obtained without fighting i.e. when enemy surrenders or flees).

the first documentation of law of jihad written abd al-rahman al-awza , muhammad ibn al-hasan al-shaybani. (it grew out of debates surfaced following muhammad s death.) although islamic scholars have differed on implementation of jihad, there consensus amongst them concept of jihad include armed struggle against persecution , oppression.

as important jihad was, was/is not considered 1 of pillars of islam . according 1 scholar (majid khadduri, because unlike pillars of prayer, fasting, etc., jihad collective obligation of whole muslim community, (meaning if duty fulfilled part of community ceases obligatory on others ), , carried out islamic state. belief of jurists, no exception , did not apply defense of muslim community sudden attack, in case jihad , individual obligation of believers, including women , children.

early muslim conquests

age of caliphs

in era inspired classical islam (rashidun caliphate) , lasted less century, jihad spread realm of islam include millions of subjects, , area extending borders of india , china pyrenees , atlantic . 2 empires impeding advance of islam persian sassanian empire , byzantine empire. 657 persian empire conquered , 661 byzantine empire reduced fraction of former size.

the role of religion in these conquests debated. medieval arabic authors believed conquests commanded god, , presented them orderly , disciplined, under command of caliph. many modern historians question whether hunger , desertification, rather jihad, motivating force in conquests. famous historian william montgomery watt argued “most of participants in [early islamic] expeditions thought of nothing more booty ... there no thought of spreading religion of islam.” similarly, edward j. jurji argues motivations of arab conquests not “for propagation of islam ... military advantage, economic desires, [and] attempt strengthen hand of state , enhance sovereignty ... of determining factors.” recent explanations cite both material , religious causes in conquests.


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