Biography Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus

the library of celsus, founded celsus buried in sarcophagus beneath library.

celsus born ca. 45 family of greek origin in either ephesus or sardis. family priests in rome , sardis in asia minor. had been granted roman citizenship, , of them held official positions in service of roman empire.

the cursus honorum of celsus has been recorded in latin inscription recovered @ ephesus. according it, earliest recorded office military tribune in legio iii cyrenaica, part of garrison of roman egypt. next recorded event in life adlection senate inter aedilicios vespasian , son titus, reward vespasian known have made individuals supported him during year of 4 emperors. how celsus supported vespasian not known: governor of egypt @ time, tiberius julius alexander, first governor publicly declare vespasian (1 july 69); vexillation of legio iii cyrenaica participated in jewish war , celsus may have come vespasian s notice way. regardless of reason, promotion senate significant social , political achievement celsus.

following this, celsus achieved republican magistracy of praetor of people of rome, requiring presence in capital city. appointed praetorian legate provincial complex of cappadociae et galatiae ponti, pisidiae paphlagoniae, armeniae minoris, aggregation of territory later became provinces of roman cappadocia, galatia, paphlagonia , roman armenia. presents problem: @ time (75-79) garrison of territory included 2 legions, implies governorship assigned had been consul; further, governor of galatia @ time known marcus hirrius fronto neratius pansa. mireille corbier provides possible explanation: celsus acting here independent, yet subordinate associate neratius pansa.

the next steps in career less problematic. celsus assigned commander of legio iv scythica (circa 81-82), sortition allotted him province of bithynia , pontus -- 1 of public provinces -- govern (84/85). celsus proceeded rome emperor domitian appointed him 1 of 3 prefects of aerarium militare (85-87), returned east governor of cilicia year 89 91. @ point celsus acceded suffect consul.

after discharging duties consul, celsus admitted quindecimviri sacris faciundis, 1 of 4 prestigious collegia of priests of ancient rome. stay in rome further prolonged serving curator of aedium sacrum et operum locorumque publicorum, or overseer of maintaining temples, public buildings , places of rome, important administrative duty. however, point domitian had grown suspicious of senators , other powerful individuals point of paranoia, , celsus quietly returned home ephesus.

with reign of trajan, celsus returned public life, , served term proconsular governor of asia in 105/106. died time before 117, year gaius julius severus of ancyra erected monument mentioning celsus polemaeanus.


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