Inhabitants of Faerie Faerie (DC Comics)

1 inhabitants of faerie

1.1 notable residents
1.2 brownies
1.3 flitlings
1.4 seelie
1.5 unseelie
1.6 trolls

inhabitants of faerie

faerie home wide number of different races , creatures, born on earth , escaping on faerie man s influence grew, others coming elsewhere , being tricked staying, or deciding settle of own accord.

notable residents

faeries in sandman
faeries in books of magic


brownies appear small, leather-skinned humans , enjoy helping out domestic chores around home. particularly abused during reign of king magnus, prejudice towards them led them being treated little more domestic slaves.


flitlings small, winged faeries otherwise appear human, similar in appearance cottingley fairies. flitlings meek , unassuming, happy flatter , fawn on seelie court: queen titania has small group of flitling followers, , reacts jealously takes attentions away her. however, these roles may social rather innate, flitlings have shown great courage , strength: flitling yarrow stopped riots following burning girl attacks, , ended faerie tithe hell, whilst flitling briar rose led race in rebellion against condescension of seelie court.

the seelie

the dominant race of faerie, called theena sidhe, seeming normal human beings save cosmetic differences - horns, different coloured skin, or other minor differences. can control appearance through use of magical glamours, , have natural mastery of magics: can escape prison, , have gift of prophesy. however, powers can negated through use of cold iron, , metal unwelcome in faerie realm. seelie find particularly difficult bear children each other, , miscarriages , stillbirths common. however, able interbreed other races, such humans. seelie court rules on other races of faerie, modeled in fashion of traditional european royalty.

the unseelie

the wild , primal faeries of darkness, unseelie seldom seen engaged in perpetual war against seelie court.


trolls large creatures, exceptionally strong , tusks. used in battle , heavy lifting work, , not exceptionally intelligent.


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