Incorrect facts Snapple

several of facts on snapple caps have been found outdated, incorrect or exaggerated. discredited real facts include:

#23 san francisco cable cars mobile national monument. san francisco cable cars group national historic landmark. national monuments different designation. there many ships national historic landmarks, few roller coasters.
#31 average human eat average of 8 spiders year while asleep. statistic false , impossible, noted scientific american.
#36 duck s quack not echo. tested snopes , mythbusters. both tests concluded duck s quack echo hard distinguish.
#69 caller id illegal in california. there no law against caller id in state, though there lengthy debates making illegal in 1990s.
#77 no piece of paper can folded in half more 7 times. myth proven wrong britney gallivan in 2002 when managed 12 folds. in 2005, drawing on gallivan s accomplishment, mythbusters folded piece of paper 11 times. piece of paper used in mythbusters oversized piece of paper thinner standard 8.5 x11 (21.59 x 27.94 cm) piece of paper.
#89 average american walks 18,000 steps day. proven wrong, average american walks 5,117 steps day.
#114 oldest known animal tortoise, lived 152 years old. tortoise named harriet once lived 175 years old , oldest known animal ming, clam of species arctica islandica, lived 507 years old.
#116 largest fish whale shark – can on 50 feet long , weigh 2 tons. full-grown whale sharks not weigh 2 tons (4,000 lbs or 1,820 kg), heavier, weighing 16 tons (32,000 lbs or 14,550 kg).
#140 holland country national dog. mexico has national dog (the xoloitzcuintli). additionally, holland region within netherlands, not technically country in own right keeshond being national dog of netherlands.
#146 smallest county in america new york county, better known manhattan. —manhattan second-smallest county land area after kalawao county, hawaii. additionally, arlington county, virginia, smallest self-governing county, smaller in total area.
#162 temperature of sun can reach 15 million degrees fahrenheit. in fact, core of sun reaches 15 million degrees celsius, 27 million degrees fahrenheit.
#163 first penny had motto mind own business. first official one-cent coin (known fugio cent) of united states held message mind business which, along image above it, formed rebus meaning, time flies, work.
#744 polar bears can smell seal 20 miles away . according sea world, distance lower limit of 1 km (0.6 miles).
#761 owls 1 of birds can see color blue . in fact, birds have excellent color vision, being able see uv spectrum.
#769 if sheep , goat mate offspring called geep. geep produced combining embryos of sheep , goat. if mate, offspring called sheep-goat hybrid.
#793 broadway 1 of longest streets in world. 150 miles long. broadway terminates 32 miles (51.5 km) manhattan origin. continues north of sleepy hollow, new york u.s. 9 , albany post road.
#794 mount whitney, highest mountain in continental united states, , zabriskien [sic] point, lowest point in united states, less eighty miles apart. true mount whitney highest mountain in contiguous united states, badwater basin in death valley, (13 miles zabriskie point) lowest point in united states, @ 282 feet below sea level, , 84 miles mt. whitney.
#825 our eyes same size birth, our nose , ears never stop growing. average newborn s eyeball 16 18 millimeters in diameter (axial length). infant s eyeball grows approximately 19.5 millimeters , age 3 23mm. eyeball continues grow, gradually, diameter of 24–25 millimeters in adulthood.
#853 hawaii has own time zone. hawaii shares time zone aleutian islands.
#868 thomas jefferson invented coat hanger. claims thomas jefferson invented clothes hanger unfounded according thomas jefferson foundation @ monticello.
#889 original cinderella egyptian , wore fur slippers. true rhodopis considered oldest telling of cinderella story, slippers consistently described rose-gold. claim charles perrault s classic french telling featured fur slippers, , vair (fur) mistranslated verre (glass), believed urban legend.
#904 if done perfectly, rubik s cube combination can solved in 17 turns. in fact, has been shown there exists starting position rubik s cube requires 20 turns solve; furthermore 20 has been proven minimum number of moves required solving initial scrambled state.
#907 dueling legal in paraguay long both parties registered blood donors. there no evidence supporting claim dueling legal in paraguay , has been reported u.s. paraguayan consulate says not legal.
#921 if had 1 billion dollars , spent 1 thousand dollars day, take 2,749 years spend all. if done correctly, simple math show takes 2,738 years (counting leap years) spend 1 billion dollars, not 2,749.
#975 letter j letter in alphabet not appear anywhere on periodic table of elements. true until 2012, when element 114 officially renamed flerovium initial placeholder name ununquadium. both j , q missing periodic table.

^ fact-checked snapple s real facts archived 2017-02-17 @ wayback machine. atlantic. 11 october 2013.
^ fact or fiction?: people swallow 8 spiders year while sleep . scientific american. archived original on 2017-08-07. 
^ amos, jonathan (2003-09-08). sound science quackers . bbc news. archived original on 2006-11-07. retrieved 2006-11-02. 
^ puc mull telephone class proposals . free online library. 
^ mythbusters: underwater car episode trivia – . archived original on 2008-02-08. 
^ vanderbilt, tom (2012-10-04). crisis in american walking . slate. archived original on 2014-12-31. retrieved 2014-12-28. average american manages 5,117 steps. 
^ harriet turtle dead @ age 175 . cbc news. 2006-06-23. archived original on 2007-04-01. 
^ lise brix (2013-11-06). new record: world s oldest animal 507 years old . sciencenordic. archived original on 2013-11-15. retrieved 2013-11-14. 
^ biggest fish... whale shark . archived original on 2009-05-08. 
^ list of national animals
^ difference between holland & netherlands . cgp grey. archived original on 6 july 2015. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ keeshond – breed of dog . encyclopædia britannica. archived original on 29 august 2014. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ calvin j. hamilton. sun . archived original on 2008-05-23. retrieved 2008-07-11. 
^ american southwest. badwater, death valley national park . archived original on 2 december 2017. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ dr. ted m. montgomery. anatomy, physiology & pathology of human eye . archived original on 6 july 2015. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ clothes rack . archived original on 6 july 2015. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ glass slippers mistranslations . retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ god s number 20 . archived original on 8 july 2015. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ jesse. mississippi library commission reference blog: paraguayan smackdown! . archived original on 15 july 2015. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ mark winter. webelements periodic table of elements . archived original on 4 january 2014. retrieved 6 july 2015. 
^ element 114 named flerovium , element 116 named livermorium . iupac – international union of pure , applied chemistry. archived original on 2 june 2012. retrieved 6 july 2015. 


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