Composition Techniques La Dafne

opening scene, five-part chorus

the score of opera printed in florence on 20 october 1608. gagliano utilizes techniques of both old intermedi style , of fledgling opera style throughout, including detailed preface personal performance suggestions. contains detailed instructions on how perform work. among other things, gagliano recommends separating soloists chorus, positioning orchestra in front of stage singers can see them properly, , having second actor play apollo in combat scene python in case singer should out of breath big aria follows. gagliano indicates instruments voiced in choral sections , ritornellos should play prior start of opera, though no overture written.

the text 445 lines in total. while short, offers heightened emotions , dramatic opportunities, including 8 stanza chorus celebrates nymph s flight apollo’s attack called, ‘bella ninfa fugitive.’ typical of composition techniques @ birth of italian opera, gagliano set rinuccini’s text of dafne homophonic choruses intertwined intermittent choral polyphony. homophonic choruses, though lacking in unified textual theme, did provide textual clarity, highlighting importance of comprehensible singing, when setting moral text. typified in opening scene of dafne through five-part chorus of text “hear our plaint , prayer, o monarch , king of heaven.” chorus prominent figure throughout composition, @ times adding action of story , @ other times, providing reflective commentary.


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