Bishops Roman Catholic Diocese of Gap

1 bishops

1.1 1000
1.2 1000 1300
1.3 1300 1600
1.4 1600 1800
1.5 since 1801

to 1000

1000 1300

1300 1600

1600 1800

since 1801

nominated king:

toussaint-alphonse-marie de sinéty
louis de villeneuve-bargemont

françois-antoine arbaud (16 may 1823 – 27 march 1836)
nicolas-augustin de la croix d’azolette (19 may 1837 – 27 april 1840)
louis rossat (14 december 1840 – 17 june 1844)
jean-irénée depéry (17 june 1844 – death 9 december 1861)
victor-félix bernadou (7 april 1862 – 12 july 1867)
aimé-victor-françois guilbert (20 september 1867 – 2 september 1879)
marie-ludovic roche (22 september 1879 – death 6 october 1880)
jean-baptiste-marie-simon jacquenet (13 may 1881 – 27 may 1884)
louis-joseph-jean-baptiste-léon gouzot (27 march 1884 – 26 may 1887)
jean-alphonse blanchet (26 may 1887 – death 18 may 1888)
prosper amable berthet (27 may 1889 – death 25 october 1914)
gabriel-roch de llobet (22 january 1915 – 16 january 1925)
jules-géraud saliège (29 october 1925 – 17 december 1928)
camille pic (17 december 1928 – 16 august 1932)
auguste-callixte-jean bonnabel (16 august 1932 – retired 13 february 1961)
georges jacquot (13 february 1961 – 1 november 1966)
robert-joseph coffy (11 february 1967 – 15 june 1974)
pierre-bertrand chagué (18 january 1975 – death 1 october 1980)
raymond-gaston-jo. séguy (14 october 1981 - 31 july 1987)
georges lagrange 1988-2003, resigned in 2003
jean-michel di falco léandri (18 november 2003 – 8 april 2017)
xavier malle (8 april 2017 – ...)

^ albanés, pp. 445-448. duchesne, p. 286 note 6, points out there no documentary evidence. demetrius of gap had same feast day, 26 october, demetrius of thessalonike, leading both de buck (p. 795b) , duchesne suspect conflation or borrowing.
^ albanés, pp. 448-449. deposition of bishops teridius , remedius of vapingo on 3 february noted in martyrologicum hieronymianum p. 17 (ed. de rossi , duchesne) in: acta sanctorum novembris tomi ii pars prior (bruxelles 1894), p. 17. there no other evidence teredius (or tigrides).
^ albanés, pp. 449-451.
^ duchesne, p. 286-287 note 6, indicates constantinus composite character, made of constantius, alleged successor, , constantianus, bishop of carpentras. constantinus of carpentras attended council of orange in 441: carolus munier, concilia galliae, a. 314 – a. 506 (turnholt: brepols 1963), p. 87.
^ constantius present @ council of epaona in 517. carolus de clercq, concilia galliae, a. 511 – a. 695 (turnholt: brepols 1963), p. 36. albanés, pp. 452-453.
^ bishop vellesius present @ council of orange in october 549 (de clercq, p. 159), council of paris in 552 (de clercq, p. 168), , represented priest honoratus @ council of arles in 554 (de clercq, p. 173). albanés, pp. 453-454. duchesne, p. 287 no. 2.
^ sagittarius, bishop of gap, brother of salonius, bishop of embrun. both had been raised in lyon under care of nicetius of lyon. after taking control of dioceses, 2 brothers turned brigandage , other crimes. complaints levelled against bishop sagittarius @ council of lyon in 566 (fisquet, p. 31) or 570 (duchesne), , , brother deposed; appealed pope john iii, ordered them restored. subjects of discussion @ council of , paris (573). deposed again @ council of chalon-sur-saône in 579 on charges of adultery , homicide. having escaped, killed fighting during siege of comminges in 585. gregory of tours, historia francorum book iv, 42, book v, chapters 20 , 27, book vii, chapter 28, 34-39. fisquet, pp. 31-33. albanés, pp. 454-456. duchesne, p. 287 no. 3. de clercq, p. 200, 219.
^ bishop aredius present @ council of valence (583/585), , council of mâcon (october 585). sent letter pope gregory in june 601 (arigio episcopo galliarum), requesting aid mission of augustine england. p. jaffé , s. loewenfeld, regesta pontificum romanorum tomus i, editio altera (leipzig: veit 1885), p. 206 no. 1832. albanés, pp. 456-458. duchesne, p. 287 no. 4. de clercq, pp. 236, 249. vita s. arigii vel aredii survives, in: acta sanctorum maii tomus (antwerp 1680), pp. 107-111.
^ bishop valatonius had been archdeacon of gap. mentioned in life of aredius successor. participated in council of paris in 614. albanés, pp. 458-459. duchesne, p. 287 no. 5. de clercq, p. 281.
^ bishop potentissimus present @ council of chalon-sur-saône in year between 647 , 653. albanés, pp. 459-460. duchesne, p. 287 no. 6. de clercq, pp. 302, 309.
^ symphorianus no longer alive in 739, when nephew abbo wrote last , testament. sole reference bishop, (the testament recalls) driven bishopric evil men. albanés, p. 460.
^ bishop donadeus known signature documents of so-called false synod of narbonne of 27 june 788. albanés, p. 461.
^ bishop birico present @ council of pontigny in 876. @ assembly of mantaille in 879. jacques sirmond (1629). concilia antiqua galliae (in latin). tomus iii. paris: sebastien cramoisy. pp. 443, 497.  albanés, pp. 461-462. duchesne, p. 287, no. 9.
^ living during saracen occupation, forced seek refuge @ apt. albanés, p. 462.
^ hugo (or hugues) attested in charter of confirmation of ile-barbe on 20 august 971. in bull of 15 may 1105, pope paschal ii mentions donation made hugo abbey of saint-andré-de-rosans, had been founded in 988, indicating still bishop after 988. albanés, pp. 463-464.
^ called féraud de domene, , féraud de nice. stepmother widow of miron de nice, , had 7 brothers. on 15 october 1040, took part, pope benedict ix in consecration of church of saint-victor in marseille. albanés, pp. 464-466.
^ arnulphus (arnoux)took benedictine habit @ monstery of s. trinité de vendôme. in 1063 accompanied abbot, oderic, rome obtain protection against foulques, count of vendôme. on 8 may 1063 pope alexander ii issued bull of patronage , protection. repaired cathedral of gap. died on 19 september, either in 1070 or 1074 (fisquet), or late 1079 (a conjecture of albanés, relying on statement arnulphus had reign of ten or fifteen years). fisquet, pp. 46-51. albanés, pp. 469-471.
^ frederick: albanés, p. 482. guide diocesain 2016, p. 54, assigns years 1198–1199; retrieved: 2017-07-23.
^ guillaume de gières: eubel, i, p. 514.
^ hugo transferred diocese of arles (france) after 10 february 1217 died on 29 august 1217. albanés, p. 484-485. eubel, i, pp. 103 note 1; 514.
^ guigo, fr. guiges: albanés, p. 485. eubel, i, p. 514.
^ guillaume: eubel, i, p. 514.
^ bishop robert: fisquet, pp. 61-62. albanés, pp. 487-488. eubel, i, p. 514.
^ otho: eubel, i, p. 514.
^ raimond: eubel, i, p. 514.
^ geofroi: eubel, i, p. 514.
^ olivier de laye: albanés, pp. 493-494. eubel, i, p. 514.
^ bertrand de lincel nephew of bishop geofroi de lincel. albanés, pp. 494-495. eubel, i, p. 514.
^ guillaume d Étienne: albanés, pp. 495-497. eubel, i, p. 514.
^ dragonnet de montauban: albanés, pp. 497-498. eubel, i, p. 514.
^ henri de poitiers transferred diocese of troyes on 13 march 1353 pope innocent vi. died on 25 august 1370. albanés, pp. 497-498. eubel, i, p. 494, 514.
^ gilbert had been bishop of saint-pons-de-thomières (1348–1353). transferred diocese of gap on 30 january 1353 pope innocent vi. transferred gap lodève pope innocent on 21 august 1357. died on 21 july 1361. fisquet, p. 86. albanés, pp. 500-501. eubel, pp. 310, 406, 514.
^ jacques nephew of cardinal bertrand de déaulx. bishop of montauban (1355-1357). transferred diocese of gap on 21 august 1357 {pope innocent vi]]. subsequently transferred diocese of nîmes on 6 april 1362, replace cousin, jean de blauzac, had been named cardinal. died in 1362, on 22 july according fisquet. fisquet, pp. 86-87. albanés, pp. 501-502. eubel, i, pp. 347, 361, 514.
^ in may 1364, bishop guillaume ordered pope urban v procure release of 3 persons england had been kidnapped in diocese. w.h. bliss; j.a. twemlow (1902). calendar of entries in papal register relating great britain , ireland. papal letters, volume iv. london: h.m stationery office. pp. 9–10. 
^ bishop of saint-paul-trois-châteaux (france) (1364 – 1367)
^ raimond de bar, dean of cathedral chapter of gap, elected , consecrated (by metropolitan of aix) without confirmation or permission of benedict xiii, refused recognize him. took oath, having been consecrated, louis count of provence on 14 october 1399. raimundus given diocese of montauban on 17 december 1404 benedict xiii. albanés, pp. 505-506. eubel, i, pp. 347 note 9; 514 note 2.
^ jean des saintes appointed benedict xiii (avignon obedience). transferred diocese of meaux on 20 august 1409. died on 20 september 1418.
^ upon transfer of jean des saints meaux pope alexander v, vacant diocese given alexander v alexis de siregno. benedict xiii, however, appointed antoine juvénis. said have been consecrated @ apt in 1410, have taken oath in chapter on 21 september 1410, , have died in 1411. these details based on assertions of local historians, , on document no longer extant. albanés, pp. 507-508.
^ alessio appointed benedict xiii (avignon obedience. bishop of bobbio (italy) (1405.09.26 – 1409.08.20); later bishop of piacenza (italy) (1411.08.27 – death 1447.01.01)
^ leodegarius sapor had been dean of collegiate church of s. peter de claromeo (diocese of condom). appointed john xxiii on 27 august 1411. became chancellor of county of provence during regency of queen yolande. arrested , imprisoned (1426–1429), however, young louis iii. transferred pope martin v diocese of maguelonne. dead before 27 june 1431. albanés, pp. 510-511. eubel, i, pp. 320, 514 note 5.
^ guillaume had previously, 1411, been abbot of benedictine monastery of saint-corneille , saint-cyprien @ compiègne (diocese of soissons). participated in coronation of emperor sigismund @ aix-la-chapelle in 1414 (fisquet, p. 100). appointment of pope martin v, on 3 december 1423, became bishop of maguelonne (1423 – 1429), made solemn entry in december 1424 (fisquet, p. 100). transferred diocese of gap martin v on 11 february 1429. took possession on 23 april 1430. in 1441 there demonstrations in gap against official of bishop, because of extravagance , sowing of differences between bishop , people (fisquet, p. 101). bishop guillaume de forestier died in august 1442. fisquet, pp. 100-101. albanés, pp. 511-512. eubel, i, 323, 514; ii, p. 262.
^ gaucher second son of raimond, baron de céreste, , angelique de brancas, sister of cardinal pietro de brancas, archbishop of cosenza , suburbicarian bishop of albano, procured post of canon of aix nephew. gaucher provost of cathedral chapter of marseille (1436). archdeacon of fréjus, though never visited diocese, , canon , precentor of riez. held many other benefices besides, 9 of named albanés. named bishop of sisteron pope eugene iv (1440 – 1442). died on 5 april 1484 (fisquet), or 6 october 1484 (albanés). fisquet, pp. 101-106. albanés, pp. 512-514. eubel, ii, p. 262.
^ seneschal of provence, aimar de poitiers, pressured canons of gap elect illegitimate brother, thibaud de la tour, bishopric. pope innocent viii, however, nominated nephew of cardinal giovanni de sclafanatis of milan, canon of st. peter s basilica, on 13 october 1484. thibaud consoled bishopric of sisteron. sclafanatis died on 11 november 1526. albanés, pp. 515-516. eubel, ii, p. 262.
^ clermont appointed bishop of gap @ age of 22, , granted bulls administrator of gap until age of 27 on 18 february 1527. father vicomte de talland. apostasized, , when huguenots driven gap, followed them zurich in switzerland. returned france, celles in berry, , attempted sell bishopric Étienne stephani, canon of aix, pope pius v refused countenance attempted transaction. on 2 july 1571 king charles ix agreed turn on clermont revenues of diocese, on condition resign within 3 months. on 11 november 1571 apostate , simoniac bishop resigned. albanés, pp. 516-517.
^ pierre paparin, former soldier, named bishop of gap on 13 august 1572. died on 1 august 1600. albanés, pp. 517-519.
^ du serre nominated king henri iv, , preconised in consistory pope clement viii on 30 august 1600. died on 16 may 1637. albanés, pp. 519-521. gauchat, iv, p. 358 note 2.
^ arthur de lionne father of hugues de lionne, minister of state of louis xiv; arthur had been married, , when wife died, entered clerical profession. canon of cathedral chapter of grenoble, , councilor of queen anne. nominated bishop of gap king louis xiii, , confirmed (preconised) in consistory pope urban viii on 11 april 1639. through son s efforts offered bishopric of embrun, , bayeux, both of declined. resigned in 1662, , died in paris on 18 may 1663 @ age of 80. ulisse chevalier (1877). lettres inédites de hugues de lionne: ministre des affaires étrangères sous louis xiv, précédées d une notice historique sur la famille de lionne (in french). valence: chenevier. pp. 25, 139–140, 194–195.  albanés, pp. 521-522. gauchat, hierarchia catholica iv, p. 358 note 3.
^ native of paris, marion, abbot of saint-paul (sens), nominated louis xiv in 1661, , preconised (approved) pope alexander vii on 26 june 1662. consecrated on 8 october 1662 bishop of rodez, hardouin de péréfixe de beaumont, archbishop-elect of paris, assisted bishops of chalon , lombez. made solemn entry gap on 8 september 1663. died in gap on 25 august 1675. fisquet, pp. 127-129. albanés, pp. 522-523.
^ guillaume de meschatin nominated king louis xiv on 17 september 1675, , approved pope innocent xi on 24 may 1677 (fisquet, p. 129, gives date of 22 june 1676); in interval between nomination , approval, pope clement x had died on 22 july 1676, , innocent xi been elected in conclave. meschatin died on 2 february 1679. fisquet, p. 129. albanés, pp. 523-524. ritzler-sefrin, hierarchia catholica v, p. 404 note 2.
^ meliand, son of blaise de meliand, procurator general of parliament of paris , french ambassador switzerland, almoner queen mother. nominated bishop of gap louis xiv on 21 july 1679, , preconised (approved) on 25 september 1679 pope innocent xi @ special request of cardinal de bouillon, bulls not issued until 27 may 1680. consecrated in july 1680, though did not arrive in gap until 15 december (albanés) or days after christmas (fisquet). nominated diocese of alet louis xiv on 27 june 1684, pope innocent, because of behavior of assembly of clergy of 1682 , 4 gallican articles, did not receive bulls, either innocent xi or successor alexander viii. transferred diocese of alet on 7 july 1692 pope innocent xii; resigned in 1698 due bad health , , died in paris on 23 september 1713. fisquet, p. 129-131. albanés, p. 524. ritzler-sefrin, v, pp. 193 note 4; 404 note 3.
^ hervé: fisquet, p. 132-134. albanés, p. 524-526. ritzler-sefrin, v, p. 404 note 4.
^ berger de malissoles dean of cathedral of die , vicar general. nominated bishop of gap king louis xiv on 3 april 1706, , preconised (approved) pope clement xi on 15 november 1706. consecration took place on 2 january 1707 in vienne, presided on archbishop armand de montmorin de saint-hérem. in 1725 offered diocese of grenoble, declined. in august 1727 took part in council of embrun, presided on archbishop pierre guérin de tencin. died on 21 september 1738. fisquet, p. 134-137. albanés, p. 526-527. ritzler-sefrin, v, p. 404 note 5.
^ cabanes doctor of theology (aix). while serving vicar general of aix, nominated king louis xv bishop of gap on 28 october 1738, , preconised (approved) pope benedict xiii on 22 june 1739. fisquet, pp. 137-139. ritzler-sefrin, vi, p. 431 note 2.
^ jacques-marie nephew of jean d yse de saléon, bishop of rodez (1735–1746) , archbishop of vienne (1746–1751), vicar general both @ agen , rodez. uncle of nicolas, marquis de condorcet. bishop of gap, strong defender of bull unigenitus. later bishop of auxerre (16 december 1754 – 16 february 1761), , bishop of lisieux (france) (1 january 1761, preconised 16 february 1761 – 21 september 1783). fisquet, pp. 139-143. jean, p. 31. ritzler-sefrin, vi, p. 431 note 3.
^ pérouse nephew of bishop françois de malissoles. ritzler-sefrin, vi, p. 431 note 2.
^ narbonne-lara vicar general of bishop of agen when nominated bishop of gap king louis xv on 30 october 1763. approved (preconised) in consistory on 20 february 1764 pope clement xiii, , consecrated on 25 march archbishop of reims, charles de la roche-aymon. narbonne-lara named bishop of Évreux (france) on 18 april 1774. died in exile in rome on 12 november 1792. jean, pp. 32, 355. ritzler-sefrin, vi, pp. 204 note 6; 431 note 5.
^ jouffroy de gonsans had been vicar general of Évreux fourteen years, when nominated bishop of gap king louis xv on 15 december 1773. preconised (approved) pope clement xiv on 28 february 1774. consecrated bishop bishop of evreux, françois de narbonne-lara, on 20 march 1774. transferred diocese of le mans pope pius vi on 1 june 1778. emigrated in 1791 holland , münster. died @ paderborn on 23 january 1799. jean, pp. 32, 430-431. ritzler-sefrin, vi, pp. 159 note 3; 431 note 6.
^ la tour-landry nominated diocese of gap king louis xvi on 7 december 1777, , preconised (approved) pope pius vi on 30 march 1778. transferred pope pius vi diocese of saint-papoul (nominated king on 1 february 1784) on 25 june 1784. on 24 december 1798 denounced reubell, , deported island of ré, returned paris in february 1800. resigned diocese of saint-papoul before 7 november 1801, @ request of pope pius vii. under concordat of 1801, appointed bishop of rennes (france) on 24 april 1802. died on 25 november 1804. jean, pp. 32, 401. ritzler-sefrin, vi, pp. 328 note 5; 431 note 7.
^ vareilles nominated king on 1 february 1784, , preconised (approved) pope pius vi on 25 june 1784. when diocese of gap suppressed french national assembly, emigrated. did not resign when requested pope in 1801, in 1815, after fall of emperor napoleon. named canon of notre dame (paris) in 1825. died in poitiers on 25 november 1831 @ age of 97. jean, pp. 32-33. ritzler-sefrin, vi, p. 431 note 8. gabriel de llobet (1925). le dernier évêque de gap avant la révolution, mgr de la broue de vareilles, conférence donnée à l association de l enseignement libre, le 15 mars 1925 (in french). gap: l. jean et peyrot. 
^ cazeneuve born @ gap, , canon of cathedral of gap. elected bishop of hautes-alpes (métropole des côtes de la méditerranée) constitutional electors in march 1791, , consecrated in paris on 3 april constitutional bishop jean-baptiste gobel. member of national convention, did not vote execution of king. abandoned ecclesiastical functions in 1793, , refused take them again in 1795. resigned on 1 june 1798.paul pisani (1907). répertoire biographique de l épiscopat constitutionnel (1791-1802) (in french). paris: a. picard et fils. p. 337-338. 
^ garnier born in avançon, , became vicar. appointed director of seminary in embrun cazeneuve in 1792, seminary closed in 1793. named bishop in succession cazeneuve metropolitan, jean-baptiste-siméon aubert, , consecrated in aix on 19 january 1800 @ age of 73. resigned in 1801 , pensioned. died on 17 april 1816. pisani, pp. 338-339.
^ sinéty had been aumonier of comte d artois , vicar general of metz before revolution. on restoration, appointed grand aumonier of king, position declined leave diocese of gap. fisquet, p. 164.
^ villeneuve-bargemont had been grand vicar of bishop of fréjus , of bishop of cahors. provost of senez. @ revolution, when administrator of aix, forced flee italy, spent ten years. serving curé @ lorgues when king louis xviii nominated him bishop of gap on 23 august 1817, ill , refused. died on 21 march 1818. fisquet, p. 165.
^ arbaud: fisquet, pp. 166-168.
^ in 1823 de la croix named first vicar general of bishop of bellay. on 30 november 1836, nominated bishop of gap royal ordonnance. preconised in consistory of 19 may 1837 pope gregory xvi. consecrated on 25 july 1837 in church of brou @ bourg (diocese of bellay bishop alexandre-raimond de vie. on 4 december 1839 bishop de la croix nominated metropolitan archbishop of auch king louis philippe, , nomination approved pope gregory xvi on 27 april 1840. retired in january 1856, , named canon of saint-denis. died on 6 june 1861. fisquet, pp. 168-171.
^ born in lyon, rossat appointed honorary canon of cathedral of lyon; in 1828 named titular canon , penitentiary of cathedral chapter, , archpriest of cathedral. on 25 june 1840 nominated king louis philippe bishop of gap; preconised pope gregory xvi on 14 december 1840. consecrated bishop on 14 february 1841 in cathedral of lyon cardinal louis-maurice bonald. nominated bishop of verdun king louis philippe on 21 april 1844, , preconised on 17 june 1844. died on 24 december 1866. fisquet, pp. 172-175. p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 252, 677-678. albanés, p. 538.
^ depéry: fisquet, pp. 176-192. p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 252-253. albanés, p. 538-540.
^ bernadou subsequently nominated metropolitan archbishop of sens on 16 may 1867 napoleon iii, , preconised pope pius ix on 12 july 1867. created cardinal-priest of ss. trinità al monte pincio (17 march 1887 – 15 november 1891) pope leo xiii. died on 15 november 1891. fisquet, pp. 193-201. p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 254, 589-591. albanés, p. 540-541.
^ guilbert transferred diocese of amiens on nomination of french government (2 september 1879), approved pope leo xiii on 22 september 1879. on 5 june 1883, nominated metropolitan archbishop of bordeaux french government, , approved on 9 august 1883. guilbert created cardinal-priest pope leo xiii on 24 may 1889. died on 16 august 1889. fisquet, pp. 202-207. p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., pp. 254–255, 47–48, 145–146. albanés, pp. 541-542.
^ roche had been professor @ sorbonne. nominated bishop of gap on 2 september 1879, , preconised on 22 september pope leo xiii. consecrated in paris @ sainte-clotilde on 11 november 1879 cardinal joseph-hippolyte guibert, archbishop of paris. took possession of diocese on 11 december. in 1880 invited bishop of orléans preach ecclesiastical retreat, died of typhoid fever on 6 october 1880. p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 255.
^ jacquenet later bishop of amiens (france) ([10 november 1883] 27 march 1884 – 1 march 1892) p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 255-256. albanés, p. 543.
^ gouzot later metropolitan archbishop of auch (france) ([16 april 1887] 26 may 1887 – death 20 august 1895) p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 256. albanés, pp. 543-544.
^ blanchet: p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., pp. 256-257. albanés, p. 544.
^ berthet had been director of major seminary in gap, superior of minor seminary in embrun, , curé-archpriest of serres. nominated bishop of gap french government on 24 april 1889, , preconised on 27 may. consecrated bishop in gap on 1 august cardinal guilbert, archbishop of bordeaux, former bishop of gap. albanés, pp. 544-546. p. guillaume, in: l épiscopat français..., p. 257.
^ native of perpignan de llobet, studied in rome @ french academy. named bishop of gap in consistory of 22 january 1915 pope benedict xv. mobilized in world war i, became military chaplain, , sent front in march 1916; awarded croix de guerre, and, in 1918, made chevalier of legion of honor. transferred gap title of archbishop of odessus (bulgaria) on 16 january 1925, in order become coadjutor archbishop of avignon. became archbishop of avignon on 3 october 1928. died on 22 april 1957. gabriel de llobet (2003). un évêque aux armées en 1916-1918: lettres et souvenirs de mgr de llobet (in french). presses universitaires de limoges. isbn 978-2-84287-282-3. 
^ bishop saliège of gap transferred diocese of toulouse on 17 december 1928 pope pius xi. created cardinal-priest of s. pudenziana pope pius xii on 17 may 1946. died on 5 november 1956. jean guitton (1957). le cardinal saliège (in french). paris: grasset. 
^ pic transferred diocese of valence on 16 august 1932 pope pius xi. died on 25 november 1951.
^ , bishop emeritus, titular bishop of zuri (13 february 1961 – death 7 november 1967)
^ jacquot had been titular bishop of irenopolis in cilicia (20 may 1959 – 13 february 1961) , coadjutor bishop of gap; later transferred diocese of marseille on 1 november 1966. died on 25 september 1970.
^ coffey transferred archdiocese of albi pope paul vi (15 june 1974 – 13 april 1985), , archdiocese of marseille pope john paul ii (13 april 1985 – retired 22 april 1995). created [[cardinal-priest of s. luigi maria grignion de montfort (28 june 1991 – death 15 july 1995)
^ chagué had been titular bishop of vico equense , auxiliary bishop of archdiocese of lyon (2 july 1969 – 18 january 1975)
^ séguy consecrated bishop roger bourrat, bishop of rodez, on 22 november 1981. transferred diocese of autun pope john paul ii on 31 july 1987, , retired on 8 april 2006.
^ falco léandri had been auxiliary bishop of paris , vicar general (1997–2003), , before directeur au séminaire français de rome (1996 - 1997). eglise catholique en france, mgr jean-michel di falco leandri, retrieved: 2017-07-21. (in french)
^ bishop malle consecrated on 11 june 2017. diocèse de gap et d embrun, mgr xavier malle, retrieved: 2017-07-21. (in french)


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