Fictional history Faerie (DC Comics)

the faerie race born , lived in mundane world many centuries until frosty relationships growing race of men caused them leave world forever time before 16th century. upon leaving realm of birth, 9 rulers of faerie led them on search new world call own. band of refugees met lucifer, offered them corner of hell have own in exchange payment of tithe. lucifer claimed moved sympathy faeries, having been forced leave own birth-realm, when faeries agreed deal true nature of tithe revealed: 8 of 9 rulers taken hell tortured, leaving last - huon small - remain first king of faerie. in order keep land, faerie required send 9 of fairest , best subjects hell every 7 years, or risk war armies of hell.

the faeries, unaware of true price, settled new home; land transformed lush world of happiness , nature, faeries maintaining links mundane world , mortals visiting twilight kingdom. king magnus came throne, instigating dark time carefree realm: believed in innate superiority of pure-blood faeries , led persecution of other races, brownies becoming little more slaves in royal household. magnus discovered worrying problem; disorder in purebred faerie blood meant extremely difficult them produce children naturally. began secret experiments, trying refresh bloodline interbreeding mankind.

ironically, magnus dalliances other faeries did lead birth – illegitimate , unrecognized son called amadan grew become fool seelie court , mastermind of thousand intrigues , manipulations. magnus used amadan provide contestants in gladiatorial games between races, , killed trying prove superiority of faeries fighting against troll. left power vacuum in court filled when lord obrey sought out rightful heir throne, young boy faerie called auberon being looked after in outskirts cousin dymphna , brownie nursemaid bridie.

obrey helped auberon overcome challenges rival lords , succeed throne, grew unhappy role amadan s manipulations drove wedge between him , throne. aware of growing danger, boy-king ran away court find missing sister, leaving obrey regent after faerie , subjects. obrey slipped role of king unchallenged, own position made stronger marriage auberon s cousin dymphna, , 2 ruled several years, reversing of magnus more prejudiced practices bring races of faerie together.

however, obrey told of magnus discovery amadan, , grew increasingly concerned survival of faerie race. adopted same solution magnus, trying promote interbreeding encouraging human children enticed stay in faerie. 1 such child young girl maryrose, after being trapped in faerie became favourite of queen dymphna. asured amadan maryrose bear him child, obrey transformed dymphna tree , took maryrose new wife. using glamour stolen previous queen, maryrose assumed appearance of being purebred faerie , took name titania @ coronation.

when auberon returned young man, obrey refused relinquish throne , wars of succession began. shortly after marriage, obrey killed in battle , - seeking reunite warring kingdom - auberon took titania wife reclaimed throne. political reasons, auberon expected wife produce heir possible. however, when became pregnant, result of affair had been having human falconer called tamlin. when child born, purebred human, , titania , nanny conspired convince auberon child had been stillborn, nanny taking child mundane world grow adulthood.

together, titania , auberon ruled faerie through turbulent times: made final severing between world , faerie , forbade subjects travel other realms without direct permission. caused problems realm when started wither , die, forcing titania , court hide true state behind powerful glamours. eventually, intervention of tamlin brought opener (timothy hunter, possibly titania s abandoned son) realm spilled blood restored previous vigor. withstood flitling rebellion, led briar rose banished , transformed punishment. when lucifer decided quit realm, titania , auberon hoped convince new owners forfeit tithe faerie owed - own son , heir prince taik having been claimed payment - didn t come fruition. tithe annulled, however, when huon small returned realm judge right survive: belief , loyalty of flitling called yarrow chosen leveller , realm recreated anew lush , fun-filled paradise had seemed connection hell severed forever.

faerie faced further danger when demon barbatos used magical gemstone called twilight bewitch garden frog giant. barbatos enslaved faeries, forcing them work death constructing massive pond demon s master . intervention of molly o reilly (ex-girlfriend of timothy hunter) released faeries , banished barbatos obscure corner of dreaming, , in return gemstone twilight chose new owner , chosen protector of faerie , peoples.


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