Islam Shekhinah

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sakīnah (arabic: سكينة‎) signifies presence or peace of god . support , reassurance sent god hearts of muslims , muhammad, according john esposito. modern translator of qur an, n. j. dawood, states tranquility english word arabic meaning of sakīnah, yet echo of hebrew shekeenah (the holy presence). scholar states arabic sakīnah derives hebrew/aramaic shekhinah. in qur an, sakīnah mentioned 6 times, in surat al-baqara, at-tawba , al-fath.

their prophet said them: sign of kingship ark come in there tranquility lord , relic family of moses , family of aaron, borne angels. in sign if true believers.

sakīnah means tranquility , peace . calm , arabic root sakana: quiet , abate , dwell . in islam, sakīnah designates special peace, peace of god . although related hebrew shekhinah, spiritual state not indwelling of divine presence ordinary arabic use of word s root sense of abiding or dwelling in place . story in tafsir , isra iliyyat literature relates how ibrahim , isma il, when looking spot build kaaba found sakīnah. newby writes breeze face talk , saying build on me. associated piety , moments of divine inspiration, sakinah in islamic mysticism signifies interior spiritual illumination.

comments regarding sakina

al-qurtubi mentions in famous exegesis, in explanation of above-mentioned verse [2:248], according wahb ibn munabbih, sakinah spirit god speaks, and, in case of israelites, people disagreed on issue, spirit came clarify situation, , used cause of victory them in wars. according ali, sakinah sweet breeze/wind, face face of human . mujahid mentions when sakinah glanced @ enemy, defeated , , ibn atiyyah mentions ark of covenant (at-tabut), sakina associated, souls found therein peace, warmth, companionship , strength.

according sunni islam, when muhammad persecuted in mecca, time came him emigrate medina. seeking hidden meccans looking him, took temporary refuge companion, abu bakr, in cave.


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