Description Spotted seal

spotted seal showing narrow snout of dog

the spotted seal of family, phocidae, or true seals . compared other true seals, intermediate in size, mature adults of both sexes weighing between 180 , 240 pounds (81 109 kg) , measuring 4.59 6.89 ft (1.5 2.1 meters), same size harbor seal or ribbon seal. head of spotted seal round, narrow snout resembling of dog.

the spotted seal has relatively small body , short flippers extending behind body provide thrust, while small flippers in front act rudders. dense fur varies in color silver gray , white , characterized dark, irregular spots against lighter background , covering entire body. males , females differ little in size or shape. in places habitat overlaps of harbor seal, can confused them, in bristol bay, alaska. harbor seals, spotted seals have 34 teeth.


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