Cultural events Marrowstone, Washington

1 cultural events

1.1 polar bear dip
1.2 strawberry festival
1.3 tractor days parade
1.4 marrowstone island community association
1.5 home of marrowstone music festival
1.6 home modern eleusianian mysteries

cultural events
polar bear dip

at noon on every january 1 since 1994, residents , visitors have gathered on dock in front of nordland general store polar bear dip, organized store owner tom rose. nordland general store sells commemorative shirts , hats each year. water temperatures in forties (fahrenheit) , air temperatures same.[1] on more 1 occasion, there has been standing ice on water in days prior polar bear dip.

strawberry festival

for approximately 100 years, marrowstone has held annual strawberry festival in june. residents , visitors enjoy strawberry shortcake @ nordland garden club building. strawberries once grown on marrowstone , can found growing wild on island.

tractor days parade

every memorial day weekend, island residents bring tractors parade them in front of nordland general store.

marrowstone island community association

the marrowstone island community association hosts strawberry festival each year. meets 7 times throughout year @ nordland garden club building.

early home of marrowstone music festival

the seattle youth symphony s marrowstone music festival - called marrowstone summer music , held on campus of western washington university, in bellingham, washington – held @ fort flagler on northern end of marrowstone island 1958 until 1989. until 1975, called pacific northwest music camp.

home modern eleusianian mysteries

the neo-pagan aquarian tabernacle church performs modern eleusinian mysteries play @ fort flagler on easter weekend each year.


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