Attractions Montesano, Washington

grays harbor county courthouse

a prominent feature of town 1911 grays harbor county courthouse. three-story structure domed tower. interior features murals of local history. not missed dent in front door made sheriff fired @ fleeing felon. motto come on vacation , leave on probation coined grays harbor county city.

bordering along northern edge of town lake sylvia state park. wynooche valley road, road north montesano follows course of wynoochee river, access way southern quarter of olympic national park.

the annual festival of lights holiday celebration has gone strong 22 years. festivities include tours of decorated historic homes, lighting contest, arts , crafts show, children s play zone, food vendors, jingle bell jog, scavenger hunt, storytelling, tours of county courthouse , murals, , pancake breakfast. highlight of weekend grand parade. other activities include yule log lighting, chowder feed, , caroling.


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