Places of Interest San Giovanni Teatino

the demolished san rocco church in sambuceto

mario botta. has rectangular plan porch , cloister, main body of temple rectangular. bell tower tower printed cross on top, pillars form pillars of roof itself. historic church built in 18th century, rectangular plant , hut facade, , bell tower overhanging clock cell. church destroyed, less bell tower, in second world war, , rebuilt scratch in 1950s, in style between modern , neo-roman. after earthquake in 2009, lack of restoration, declared dangerous , demolished new sanctuary;

church of santa maria de cryptis, in villa reale, on borders of san silvestro (frazione of pescara) ancient, valuable church;

church of immacolata concezione known church of de laurentiis;

scuola civica musicale, founded in 2000, has aim of promoting music culture in area , permitting fruition of professional , qualified music teaching people who, lack of time, age or economic reasons, cannot access state institutions or private lessons. main purpose of civic school contributing diffusion of music education essential element cultural, social, intellectual growth of young people , entire community. school opened without discrimination. reason, 1 of essential undertake of school possibility give young people , disabled adults chance of approaching world of music complete possible through activation of special courses , constant task in searching forms , suitable ways purpose (from official website of san giovanni teatino);

biblioteca e ludoteca comunali - 5,200 books of various subjects present, partly donated generous users, partly bought municipality of san giovanni teatino sensitive increase book interest.

calanchi - geomorphological phenomenon of land erosion result of water leaching on degrading clay rocks poor vegetable coverage , consequently modestly protected run-off.

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