Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Stéphane Dion

1 minister of intergovernmental affairs

1.1 clarity of referendum question
1.2 supreme court reference re secession of quebec
1.3 3 letters
1.4 first international conference on federalism
1.5 clarity act
1.6 reactions clarity act
1.7 views on federalism

minister of intergovernmental affairs

in anticipation of by-elections in 1996, prime minister jean chrétien appointed 2 new star candidates quebec — stéphane dion , pierre pettigrew — cabinet. on 25 january 1996, dion named minister of intergovernmental affairs, pettigrew named minister international cooperation, , both sworn queen s privy council canada.

chrétien felt safe in appointing dion cabinet because dion slated run in saint-laurent—cartierville, second-safest liberal riding in quebec. in 25 march by-election, elected. not without precedent; in 1941, mackenzie king had appointed louis st. laurent cabinet after nominating him run in safe quebec riding. dion hold riding in general election of 1997, , reelected again in 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, , 2015 elections.

dion continued serve minister of intergovernmental affairs until end of jean chrétien s ministry on 12 december 2003.

clarity of referendum question

in responsibilities intergovernmental affairs minister in jean chrétien government, dion tasked challenging arguments of quebec sovereignty movement more vigorously in pre-referendum period. people of quebec voted against sovereignty option razor-thin margin (50.58% 49.42%). many federalists in ottawa caught off-guard results , believed referendum results have no legal standing under canadian law. strongest complaints on presumed ambiguity of 1995 question , quebec had tabled law reserving right national assembly declare independence unilaterally if constitutional negotiations government of canada failed.

supreme court reference re secession of quebec

on 30 september 1996, dion submitted 3 questions supreme court of canada constituting supreme court reference re secession of quebec:

as these questions made public, both parties of national assembly, bloc québécois , numerous federalists denounced ottawa s gesture. act respecting exercise of fundamental rights , prerogatives of québec people , québec state passed in national assembly of quebec parti québécois government 2 days after clarity act had been introduced in canadian house of commons.

on 20 august 1998, supreme court answered, concluding quebec not have right secede unilaterally under canadian or international law. however, federal government have enter negotiations quebec government if quebecers expressed clear secede. confirmed canadian parliament had power determine whether or not referendum question clear enough trigger such negotiations. canadian constitution remain in effect until terms of secession agreed parties involved, , these terms have respect principles of democracy, minority , individual rights outlined in canadian constitution.

both government of quebec , government of canada publicly stated pleased opinion of supreme court, stated both quebec not legally separate unilaterally canada , canadian parliament have political obligation enter separation negotiations quebec in event clear majority of populace vote in favour of independence.

three letters

the supreme court reference launched public debate between dion , members of parti québécois government in open letters published in press. following lucien bouchard s open letter premier of new brunswick, frank mckenna, in 1997 defending legality of unilateral secession, dion wrote first of 3 open letters leaders in sovereignty movement. dion challenged 3 assertions bouchard had made: unilateral declaration of independence supported international law; majority of 50% plus 1 sufficient threshold secession; , international law protect territorial integrity of quebec following secession. against first assertion, dion argued vast majority of international law experts believe right declare secession unilaterally not belong constituent entities of democratic country such canada. in regard simple majority argument, dion argued due momentous changes quebecers lives result secession, simple majority disappear in face of difficulties insufficient ensure political legitimacy of sovereigntist project. in regard territorial integrity of quebec, dion retorts there neither paragraph nor line in international law protects quebec s territory not canada s. international experience demonstrates borders of entity seeking independence can called question, reasons based on democracy.

dion s second open letter, quebec s intergovernmental affairs minister jacques brassard, came on 19 november 1997. dion expanded upon earlier arguments against territorial integrity of quebec following secession highlighting inconsistency in argument canada divisible quebec not. secondly, dion underscored without recognition government of canada , when opposed strong minority of citizens, unilateral declaration of independence faces difficulty in gaining international recognition.

in dion s third open letter premier lucien bouchard came on 25 august 1998, shortly after supreme court ruling on secession had been handed down. criticized quebec premier accepting aspects of ruling (such political obligation government of canada negotiate secession following clear expression of people of quebec) , not other sections of ruling (such need clear majority on clear question , unconstitutionality of unilateral declaration of independence). in regard ruling, dion makes 3 claims: federal government has role in selection of question , level of support required pass, secession can achieved through negotiation rather unilateral declaration of independence , , terms of negotiation not decided solely government of quebec.

first international conference on federalism

dion organized , hosted first international conference on federalism in mont tremblant in october 1999 foster international support cause of federalism in canada. quebec sovereigntist leaders granted prominent role in conference , used floor time denounce canadian federalism international audience great annoyance of federalist host. dion s views got big boost during closing speech united states president bill clinton. clinton appeared echo supreme court reference, warning when people thinks should independent in order have meaningful political existence, serious questions should asked.... minority rights majority rights respected? how going co-operate our neighbours? . clinton argued federalism allows peoples seeking recognition of identity way without isolating in nation-state. speech laid rest doubts u.s. position on legality , desirability of unilateral secession in quebec.

clarity act

the supreme court reference , 3 letters formed basis clarity act (bill c-20) presented dion house of commons on december 13, 1999. legislation established conditions under government of canada enter negotiations might lead secession following vote 1 of provinces. stipulated in order lead separation negotiations, referendum on independence in given province have have (according judgement of canadian house of commons) framed question voters in terms of independence, , result have clear majority in favour, rather 50% plus 1 majority. passed house on 15 march 2000

reactions clarity act

no, mr dion, s not paranoia, people hate you! (cartoon serge chapleau, 1997)

the clarity act supported liberals , reform party in parliament. in new democratic party (ndp) supported it. progressive conservative party, led joe clark, opposed act. act more bitterly denounced provincial parties in quebec national assembly, bloc québécois, , many quebec federalists. following adoption parliament, open letter supporting quebec s right self-determination published , signed numerous intellectuals quebec , other parts of canada. william johnson, leader of quebec s largest anglophone rights group, alliance quebec, said act prevent misinformation sovereigntists on topic of secession.

dion s vigorous opposition quebec sovereigntist claims appears have had desired effect: support sovereignty-association plummeted 24% in october 1999 after supreme court reference. jean chrétien cites act 1 of greatest achievements prime minister. attacks on act aimed @ dion in quebec under perception had undermined fundamental democratic rights self-determination. serge chapleau, caricaturist la presse, began portraying dion rat, while parti québécois leader bernard landry called dion hated politician in history of quebec ( le politicien le plus détesté de l histoire du québec ).

views on federalism

dion has been described in quebec trudeau centralist due strong defence of canadian federalism , forceful arguments against quebec sovereigntists. however, position on federalism far more nuanced. accurate describe him federal autonomist. while dion supports cooperation, flexibility, , interdependence in canadian federation, unequivocally argues against jurisdictional intrusion, stating

[t]he constitution must respected. must away all-too-convenient excuse given governmental initiative responds need urgent stymied issues of jurisdiction . infringement of jurisdiction creates confusion damages quality of public policy.

dion s position on provincial rights not result of respect constitution of canada, strategy prevent joint decision trap in capacity of government s ability act restricted need approval other constituent governments.

dion has contested political concentration on division of powers between federal , provincial governments, arguing that:

[i]dentity, rather division of powers, @ source of our unity problem. francophone quebecers want assurance language , culture can flourish support of other canadians. want feel language , culture seen other canadians important asset, rather burden. want assurance can both quebecers , canadians, , don t have choose between quebec , canada.

in same vein, dion planner of 1999 social union framework agreement, which, according journalist duncan cameron, limited national spending jurisdiction. dion has described quebec s bill 101 great law .


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