M Glossary of bird terms

also molt (chiefly u.s.) , moulting / molting. periodic replacement of feathers shedding old feathers while producing new ones. feathers dead structures @ maturity gradually abraded , need replaced. adult birds moult @ least once year, although many moult twice , few 3 times each year. slow process, birds shed feathers @ 1 time; bird must retain sufficient feathers regulate body temperature , repel moisture. number , area of feathers shed varies. in moulting periods, bird may renew feathers on head , body, shedding wing , tail feathers during later moulting period. species of bird become flightless during annual wing moult , must seek protected habitat reliable food supply during time. typically, bird begins shed old feathers, pin feathers grow in replace old feathers. pin feathers become full feathers, other feathers shed. cyclical process occurs in many phases. symmetrical, feather loss equal on each side of body. because feathers make 4–12% of bird s body weight, takes large amount of energy replace them. reason, moults occur after breeding season, while food still abundant. plumage produced during time called postnuptial plumage.
moult strategy
specialized types defined: simple basic strategy; simple alternate strategy; complex basic strategy; complex alternate strategy. pattern of moults occurs regularly based on season , time. there 4 main moulting strategies: i) simple basic strategy, in there 1 moult per year, every year; ii) simple alternate strategy, in there 2 moults per year, every year; iii) complex basic strategy, in there 1 moult per year, except in first year of life, there additional moult; , iv) complex alternate strategy, in there 2 moults per year, except in first year of life, there additional moult.

new zealand pipit anthus novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae, displaying prominent moustachial stripe

moustachial stripe
also, mustache stripe; whisker stripe; malar stripe. dark feather colouration line running obliquely gape down , along lower border of ear-coverts . compare: submoustachial stripe , lateral throat-stripe. birds moustachial stripes include of pipits buntings.


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