Churchill war ministry War cabinet

when became prime minister during second world war, winston churchill formed war cabinet, consisting of following members:

prime minister & minister of defence: winston churchill (conservative)
lord president of council: neville chamberlain (conservative)
lord privy seal: clement attlee (labour)
foreign secretary: lord halifax (conservative)
minister without portfolio: arthur greenwood (labour)

churchill believed war cabinet should kept relatively small number of individuals allow efficient execution of war effort. so, there number of ministers who, though not members of war cabinet, constant attenders . war cabinet considered issues pertained given branch of service or government due input obtained respective body.

the war cabinet undergo number of changes in composition on next 5 years. on 19 february 1942 reconstructed war cabinet announced churchill consisting of following members:

prime minister , minister of defence winston churchill (conservative)
deputy prime minister , secretary of state dominions affairs: clement attlee (labour)
lord privy seal , leader of house of commons: sir stafford cripps (labour)
lord president of council: john anderson (conservative)
foreign secretary: anthony eden (conservative)
minister of production: oliver lyttelton (conservative)
minister of labour: ernest bevin (labour)

this war cabinet consistent churchill s view members should hold responsible offices , not mere advisors @ large nothing think , talk , take decisions compromise or majority

the war cabinet met within cabinet war rooms, particularly during blitz of london.


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