Word wrap rules Line breaking rules in East Asian languages

1 word wrap rules

1.1 categories

1.1.1 characters not permitted on start of line
1.1.2 characters not permitted @ end of line
1.1.3 not split

word wrap rules

regarding prohibited characters, there conventions called house rules , characteristic rules of publishers. furthermore, there many publishers rules contradict other publishers ones. reason, there lots of conventions not supported western dtp software tools, , main cause of growing demand of computerized phototypesetting systems.

characters not permitted on start of line

closing brackets

)]}〕〉》」』】〙〗〟’ ⦆»

japanese characters not allowed @ start of line


(note: above rule applies small (chiisai) kana. full size kana can start line.)





mid-sentence punctuation


sentence-ending punctuation


note: kinsoku shori not apply japanese characters while 1 line contains not enough characters

characters not permitted @ end of line

opening brackets

([{〔〈《「『【〘〖〝‘ ⦅«

do not split

characters can t separated


grouped characters

一昨日(おととい) (kanji sequences have ruby characters not have clear mapping underlying kanji characters (jukujikun))


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