Programs Ivey Business School

1 programs

1.1 honors business administration
1.2 master of business administration
1.3 master of science in management
1.4 phd
1.5 executive mba program
1.6 pre-business undergraduate courses


full-time undergraduate honors business administration (hba)
full-time graduate degree programs (mba, msc , phd)
executive mba (emba) program in 2 locations: downtown toronto (exchange tower main floor) , hong kong
accelerated mba (amba) program available recent hba graduates only
phd in business administration
pre-business courses (one each years 1 , 2 of university)
executive development (core program plus custom programs corporations)

honors business administration

the ivey hba (bachelor of arts in honors business administration) first degree program in business @ university of western ontario. class of 6 men program s first graduates in 1923.

in 2010, hba program grew 525 students final program size of 610 students in place since 2013.

the hba program second-entry, two-year program enrolls students have completed 2 years of undergraduate study (in faculty @ recognized university). first year ivey students, known hba1s, typically in third year of university. previously, prospective students applied admission ivey during second year of university. in 1998, ivey introduced advanced entry opportunity status (aeo), conditional pre-admission status offered secondary school students. advanced entry opportunity (aeo) students may study in faculty of interest @ university of western ontario first 2 years of university.

the hba1 year has no elective course work. hbas placed sections of 76 students , work same classmates, same professors, , in same classroom year-round. curriculum includes courses in finance, accounting, marketing, operations management, organizational behavior, , general management. hba2 year less structured students taking 3 required courses along elective courses tailor individual interests.

master of business administration

the ivey full-time mba created in 1948 , canada s first mba program first 1 offered outside of united states. first class graduated in 1950. program modeled on harvard business school mba two-year program. in 2006, ivey revamped mba program after review of school s approach business education. program converted 12-month program , relocated university of western ontario campus spencer leadership centre. health sector stream offered through ivey centre health innovation , leadership.

ivey offers networking opportunities. on 25,000 alumni in 105 countries, of formal networking initiatives include:

the alumni partnership program involves top ivey alumni have volunteered act mentors current students , alumni. students can choose partner alumnus based on number of criteria including function, industry or geography.
the “get connected” event in toronto hosted ivey’s career management team in partnership alumni , recruiting firms. 3 days, students exposed information sessions, formal networking events, functional panels , mock interviewing events ivey recruiters , alumni. students’ official ‘debut’ or introduction market, following 12-weeks of in-class career management programming.
global ivey day annual event ivey students , alumni around world connect, network , socialize. events hosted alumni chapters on world, including gala event in toronto, live webinars , webcasts available alums , students join well.

master of science in management

the ivey msc direct-entry program requiring no previous full-time work experience. ivey msc program rooted in case method , global learning opportunities, designed build on previous undergraduate experience , prepare student international career.

in december 2009, ivey selected first canadian partner in cems global alliance in management education , in 2012 named cems school of year. partnership gives ivey msc students opportunity participate in master of international management program students 29 other schools in alliance london school of economics, hec paris, esade (spain) , national university of singapore. students register ivey msc students , pursue cems mim program concurrently.

in 2016, second stream in msc program launched in business analytics. in both streams of program, students undertake 3 terms of academic study , 1 term placement in industry.


the university of western ontario began offering phd in business administration in 1961, canada s first phd in business. program has focused on study in 8 disciplines: finance, general management, information systems, management science, managerial accounting, marketing, operations management , organizational behaviour.

executive mba program

the ivey executive mba (emba) founded in 1991 addition of hong kong-based program , remote video-conference program in 1995. in 2007, executive mba program relocated new facility in downtown toronto named tangerine leadership centre.

the program provides part-time mba program working managers @ least 7 years of work experience. program consists of 4 in-class days (thursday sunday) once per month. classes continue 3 consecutive terms, each 5 months long.

pre-business undergraduate courses

ivey has offered 4 undergraduate pre-hba business courses:

business 1220: first-year introduction business course
business 2257: second-year course focus on financial accounting, business analysis , managerial accounting. course prerequisite course hba program.
business science students 2295f: introductory course in business designed science, medical , dentistry students
business engineers 2299: introductory course in business designed engineering students

^ cite error: named reference referencea invoked never defined (see page).
^ annual report . 
^ ivey hba preparation: university years 1 , 2 . 
^ ivey hba program road map . 
^ cite error: named reference referenceb invoked never defined (see page).
^ ivey mba admissions
^ alumni partnership program . 
^ ivey connected - leslie shaw. youtube. 4 december 2013. 
^ global ivey day . 
^ world of research & teaching excellence - ivey business school . 
^ ivey executive mba program . 
^ pre-business courses . 


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