Navy 2017 Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team

date: november 18, 2017
location: notre dame stadium

south bend, indiana
game start: 3:41 p.m. est
elapsed time: 2 hours , 54 minutes
game attendance: 77,622
game weather: temperature: 41 °f (5 °c) • weather: rain • wind: n 19 mph
referee: adam savoie
tv announcers (nbc): mike tirico, doug flutie , kathryn tappen (sideline)

another tough, competitive game between notre dame , navy in historic rivalry, irish prevail 24-17. navy, after taking 17-10 lead on 12 yard touchdown pass zach abey craig scott in 3rd quarter, navy finished game missed field, interception , turn on over downs, in irish territory. irish went in 4th quarter 9 yard touchdown pass brandon wimbush wide receiver kevin stepherson. week after giving 41 points, irish defense held navy 17 points, despite navy controlling game clock 42:42 17:18.

josh adams ran 106 yards on 18 carries. josh adams topped 3,000 career yards , has 4th highest single season rushing total in notre dame history @ 1,337. needs 101 yards next weekend against stanford break record.


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