In various cultures Honeycomb toffee

1 in various cultures

1.1 china
1.2 hungary
1.3 japan
1.4 korea

in various cultures

in china called 蜂窝糖. said popular type of confectionery among after-80s in childhood.


in hungary, known törökméz (turkish honey) , commonly sold @ town fairs.


the same confection traditional sweet in japan known karumeyaki (カルメ焼き), portmanteau of portuguese word caramelo (caramel) , japanese word yaki (to bake). typically hand-made, , sold street vendors.


dalgona (달고나) or ppopgi (뽑기) korean candy made melted sugar , baking soda. popular street snack in 1970s , 1980s, , still eaten retro food. when pinch of baking soda mixed melted sugar, thermal decomposition of baking soda releases carbon dioxide, makes liquidized sugar puff up, , becomes light , crunchy candy once cooled , hardened. typically, creamy beige liquid poured on flat surface, pressed flat, , stamped patterned mold. eaters try trim way around outline or picture on snack without breaking picture. if trimming completed without breaking candy, consumer receives free dalgona.


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