History Wickmere

1 history

1.1 bronze age
1.2 roman period
1.3 norman period


over years archaeological finds have proved people have lived in parish of wickmere far prehistoric times. these finds, made in 1991 take form of prehistoric pot boiler. these flints represent use of fire inhabitants of area purposes of heating water cooking , washing.

bronze age

evidence has been uncovered of activity here in bronze age find of pieces of casting waste might provide evidence metal working site in wickmere. discoveries metal detectors of copper alloy adza , axe head, along pottery shreds more evidence of activity here in period.

roman period

archaeological evidence has found 3 possible roman settlements around wickmere. in these areas finds include roman pottery, coins , casting waste, dolphin brooches, spindle whorl, staff ferrule , part of iron key.

the norman period

wickmere has entry in domesday book of 1085. in great book wickmere’s population, land ownership , productive resources documented. parish recorded name of wicmare or wicmere. parish kings land main tenant being tihel de hellean, bishop of bayeux, william de warenne, robert de courson roger bigot , abbot of holme. survey document revealed benedictine order held land here prior 1066. recorded wickmere had woodland, share in mill , numerous meadows.


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