Causes of the LRA conflict Lord's Resistance Army

1 causes of lra conflict

1.1 ethnicity, stereotypes, hate, , enemy images
1.2 economic disparity (and/or marginalisation), underdevelopment , poverty
1.3 trigger factors

causes of lra conflict
ethnicity, stereotypes, hate, , enemy images

dennis 1 of 4,000 young people trained uk-supported northern uganda youth development centre. having completed one-year catering course, working in kitchen of florida hotel , in central gulu.

part of structural causes of lra conflict has been explained rooted in diversity of ethnic groups @ different levels of socio-economic development , political organization . has led ethnic strife. enemy images have instilled insensitivity extent people perceived enemies can construed , ignored inconsequential. former cabinet minister key figure in presidential peace team while addressing elders in lango on atrocities committed nra in northern districts of gulu, kitgum, lira, apac , teso, warned them did not matter long south stable . sense of betrayal on northerners has festered groundswell of mistrust population against virtually overtures government rebels.

this cynical strategy, argue, rooted , employed in luwero triangle nrm/a rebels during five-year-bush war in order garner popular support, while in essence real underlying drive unique greed absolute political power in total abhorrence of democratic means.

economic disparity (and/or marginalisation), underdevelopment , poverty

the strong imbalance in level of development , investment between eastern & northern uganda on 1 side, , central & western uganda on other perceived land of milk , honey, clear manifestation of economic marginalisation of region, in spite of fact top leadership in uganda hailed north between 1962 , 1985. marginalisation, deliberate or otherwise, adverse consequences of war, has resulted in disparate poverty levels in northern uganda, part of nrm’s 20 plus years’ rule. although poverty @ times may treated escalating factor creates resentment in society, role in conflict in northern uganda part , parcel of underlying structural factors. poverty status report, 2003, indicates 1 third of chronically poor (30.1%) , disproportionate moving poverty northern uganda .

trigger factors

two women in gulu lips have been cut off lord s resistance army rebels

the lra consequence of ethnic-oriented war initiated nrm/a in luwero triangle against ‘northerners’. fuelled belief on part of leadership of nrm/a uganda politics had since political independence been ‘dominated’ ‘northerners’ in country , had happened because of alleged domination of armed forces. determination ‘domination’ of politics in uganda ‘northerners’ no longer acceptable , had end. suggested until objective of removing ‘northerners’ power had been achieved , threats quarters removed, war in north had continue.


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