Work John Cooke Bourne

1 work

1.1 series of lithographic drawings on london , birmingham railway, 1838
1.2 1838 review
1.3 1839 reviews
1.4 1840s review
1.5 railroad problems
1.6 history of great western railway, 1846
1.7 1846 review
1.8 proposed suspension bridge @ kiev, 1847


bourne s major works drawings of construction of london , birmingham railway, , of operations of great western railway, printed in 1838/39 , 1846. after these works worked in russia on decade.

a series of lithographic drawings on london , birmingham railway, 1838

original watercolour of railway construction @ tring, 1837

lithograph coloured hand, 1838

bourne s 1838 publications series of lithographic drawings on london , birmingham railway, showed construction of railway london birmingham in year 1837–38. work bourne had translated original watercolours lithographs. accompanied text, entitled topographical , descriptive accounts of origin, progress, , general execution of great national work, written john britton. britton known in days publication architectural antiquities of great britain , had appeared in multiple volumes since 1807. britton (1838; p. 14) wrote bourne s work:

it represent, not of striking scenery upon line, peculiar manual , mechanical operations connected execution of principal works. amongst them process of tunnelling, formation of embankments , cuttings, gear , machinery used in sinking shafts, , subterraneous works of stationary engine-house @ camden town, @ once remarkable , interesting.

about origin of work britton in 1849 autobiography recalled, beautiful drawings of railway made in year 1838, mr. john c. bourne, studies nature. submitted mr. britton, suggested expediency of being published. great cuttings, embankments, , tunnels, on london , birmingham railway, were, @ time referred to, matters of great novelty , absorbing interest inhabitants of metropolis; , appeared therefore beauty of mr. bourne s drawings, , popularity of subject, ensure success in publication.

britton (1849) further stated used techniques: on considering best mode of multiplying drawings, of tinted lithography adopted, best calculated preserve spirit , character of originals, without reducing them in size. although mr. bourne had not made drawings on stone, eminently successful in first efforts; , whole of series (thirty-seven in number) executed himself. prints published in 4 periodical parts, @ 1 guinea each (super-royal folio). on completion of work, general historical , descriptive account of railway, occupying twenty-six closely-printed pages, written mr. britton.

1838 review

one of first reviews of work in architectural magazine john claudius loudon, described present work comprise series of thirty-three, or more, finished sketches, executed artist on respective spots, , transferred himself stone, scrupulous fidelity. @ conclusion of work, , last number, presented subscribers brief topographical , descriptive account of origin, progress, , general execution of great national line of railway; descriptive notices of scenes , objects delineated in different drawings.

the lithographs contained in whole work following:

excavations , buildings, park village.

landslip on wolverton viaduct during construction of london , birmingham railway.

view of birmingham station, 1837

no. ii. london entrance gateways, offices, &c.
no. iii. view of covered area adjoining booking offices.
no. iv. view of parts of bridge under hampstead road, &c.
no. v. view under hampstead road bridge.
no. vi. excavations , buildings, park village.
no. vii. eastern face of bridge on regent s canal @ camden town.
no. viii. view @ camden station, showing locomotive engine house, chimney shafts of stationary engine house, &c.
no. ix. view of southern entrance tunnel @ primrose hill.
no. x. view of curvilinear embankment, near watford.
no. xi. river colne viaduct, near watford.
no. xii. view of south face of watford tunnel.
no. xiii. east face of nash mill bridge.
no. xiv. horse runs, showing raising of ballast on embankment @ boxmoor.
no. xv. view of oblique-arched bridge @ boxmoor.
no. xvi. bridge on railway gravelpath lane, near berkhamstead.
no. xvii. deep cutting, horse runs, near tring.
no. xviii. jackdaw hill, linslade, south-east.
no. xix. east face of denbigh hall bridge.
no. xx. view of embankment @ wolverton, during progress.
no. xxi. view of wolverton viaduct, south-west.
no. xxii. , xxiii. showing different portions of blisworth cuttings.
no. xxiv. weedon viaduct, east.
no. xxv. , xxvi. interior of kilsby tunnel, , entrance same.
no. xxvii. engine , head gear raising skips in shaft kilsby tunnel.
no. xxviii. pumps @ same tunnel, engine-houses, gins, &c., in distance.
no. xxix. brick fields @ kilsby tunnel.
no. xxx. view of viaduct on river avon.
no. xxxi. view of sherbourne viaduct, near coventry.
no. xxxii. , xxxiii. views of birmingham station.

the second part of work appeared in november 1838, , 2 following parts @ intervals of 2 months afterwards.

loudon (1838) proceed: of artistic merits of lithographs, cannot speak in high terms; , portraits, having passed along whole line london birmingham, appear us, far judge in rapid transit, sufficiently faithful. both these results, great advantage same artist made drawings nature should have transferred them stone. britton (1838) describes in text:

the drawings made during years 1836, 1837, , 1838; , intended subjects of professional study, scenes , compositions replete picturesque effect , artistic character, rather intention of publication. increased in number, increased in interest; and, have collectively afforded both amusement , information many amateurs , men of science, whom have been examined , applauded, artist induced submit them ordeal of public criticism, intrinsic , relative merits duly , appreciated. intended show letter spirit of railway formation, representing not localities , accompaniments on line of road in completed form, embankments, viaducts, tunnels, , bridges, in such various stages of progress exhibit practical formation , construction.

loudon (1838) concluded that: added, on account gratify both. lover of picturesque , man of science: former, variety of lines , combinations; , latter, different modes of application of machinery, mechanism, , manual labour.

1839 reviews

a 1939 review in civil engineer , architect s journal mentioned completion of other 2 parts. further stated, that:

... splendid specimen of railway art, , work credit artist, , communicates interest railway. 2 parts before complete work, , given letter-press whole; lithograph drawings beautifully executed, , faithful representations. in fact work engineer splendid memorial of contemporaneous skill, while nobleman , admirer of fine arts, deserves preservation unique specimen of art, , illustrative of 1 of striking enterprises of wonder-working age.

the herapath s railway journal, vol. 6 (1839) further explains:

have received second part of beautiful work, , happy perceive exhibits, if possible, improvement upon first. subjects equally well-chosen, , delineated same fidelity , exquisite effect. mr. bourne seems have adopted method of others best calculated illustration of subject, , drawings may fearlessly challenge comparison of first landscape painters of day. watford embankment, viaduct on colne, , @ wolverton, , 2 interior views of kilsby tunnel (which, beautiful map of line, , 4 other drawings, constitute present number), bear out our remarks. views in kilsby tunnel present striking , singular effect, not have been produced other mode of execution, new style of lithography. - drawing of excavation near park-street, myriads of workmen , implements, is, think, excellent illustration of vastness of great commercial speculation, can conceived, nor scene @ deficient in pictorial effect. upon whole, work seems prove worthy illustration of great undertaking devoted.

1840s review

interior kilsby tunnel, 1837

viaduct on river blythe, 1838

a 1840 review in gentleman s magazine describes volume contains series of thirty-seven views of portions of line of birmingham railway, entrance in euston grove termination. executed in lithography, , tinted; , justice say, great credit pencil of artist. there perhaps, no object less picturesque, or appearance, more incapable of producing effect, dull strait level of rail-road; in hands of mr. bourne, subject seems have lost of untractable character, , skilful use of accessories, has turned out far more agreeable @ first sight promised have been. various stages of undertaking represented excavation , embankment, complete work. in of views, scene varied bustle , life displayed hundreds of workmen engaged in different avocations.

two views of kilsby tunnel interesting; in first working shaft, powerful light bursting through aperture in roof, , shewing group of workmen , horses 1 of operators descending, affords striking idea of vastness of tunnel itself. visibleness of ray of light shaft, says mr. britton, occasioned opaqueness , humidity of atmosphere, arising want of ventilator. in 2008 article mike mckiernan commented same picture:

in drawing, excavation of tunnel advanced. single track runs through middle (it have 2 lines) while workers (navvies) gather in mid-distance under shaft. 2 horses, harnessed haulage, stand patiently nearby. group of men struggle move basket of rubble , above them 1 worker ascends surface more rubble. in background, on right, smoke rising fire while in right foreground, worker sharpening tool on grinding wheel. @ time, of bourne s fellow artists concerned capturing pastoral idyll of innocent peasants pursuing rural tasks. bourne celebrates navvies strenuous work in sacred way. uses light shaft create spiritual atmosphere, man ascends heavenward...

according 1840 review picture grand ventilator shaft conveys equally idea of appearance of vast passage diminishing in distance mere speck. picturesque plate of viaduct on river blythe, near termination of railroad, has singular merit of displaying on opposite sides of same view, comparison between ancient , modern modes of bridge building. massive piers, further secured buttresses , narrow arches of ancient fort bridge, afford curious contrast great altitude , extensive span slender supports of modern viaduct.

railroad problems

clooke had eye problems railroad companies encountered. clues can seen example in print of sonning cutting terrible train accident had occurred in december 1842. train had collided landslip , killed 9 stonemasons returning work in london west country. picture shows labourers working clear further slips in bank.

another of famous prints shows large landslip on london , birmingham railway north of wolverton railway works occurred during construction of wolverton viaduct on river ouse.

history of great western railway, 1846

route of great western railway on cheffin s map, 1850.

in 1846 bourne published second book series of drawings of great western railway, linked london south-west , west of england , of wales. full title of work, advertised in volume of 1846 appleton s literary bulletin, was:

the history , description of great western railway; including geology , antiquities of district through passes, accompanied plan , section of railway, geological map, , numerous views of principal viaducts, tunnels, stations, , of scenery , antiquities in vicinity, drawings taken expressly work, , executed in lithography john c. bourne. folio, pp. 76, 34 plates.

the idea work came publisher , due popularity of subject. style of drawings different 1838 work on london , birmingham railway. more impressionistic , composed in far more painterly way. freeman & aldcroft (1991) stipulated, in volume emphasis on engineering feats reduced (presumably because line years old), , focus shifts more views carriage window , facilities provided stations: wonders of construction have given way pleasures , conveniences of railway travel.

view above tunnel box, 1846

bristol temple meads railway station train-shed engraving, 1846

the accompanied text written engineer george thomas clark, , in days discussed in multiple sources volume of bourne s work reproduced in 1969.

1846 review

a 1846 review in gentleman s magazine on history of great western railway starts explaining in general, [t]he history , illustration of great railways of present day fertile theme, , 1 cannot fail excite interest, not merely amongst individuals connected them, public generally, , men of science , philosophers particularly. few years matters of speculation , mystery familiarly recognized great mass of reading public. in great western line many railway novelties , improvements have been effected, @ once astonishing , confusing predicted utter failure. cannot interesting trace origin, uic progress, , effects of stupendous undertaking, has been sonic years in successful operation.

specific work review states that:

this volume furnishes information, other interesting; matter of collateral nature. mr. bourne s lithographic drawings favourably known, , sufficient has displayed same spirit, taste, , accuracy of delineation in work in former subjects. present views embrace thirty-six different points upon great western, paddington station , hanwell viaduct, slough , swindon stations; , particularly great box tunnel, interesting scenery , works in vicinity of bath , bristol. there fourteen architectural drawings appendix, being views , details of remarkable ancient churches upon line of railway, fonts, doorways, sepulchral effigies, &c.

and continues, [t]he illustrative department completed map , section of line, , geological map of singular district in great western railway terminates, , across carried, in opposite direction, continuations towards exeter on 1 hand, , gloucester on other. letter-press, besides description of route of railway, of fine architectural works, viaducts , bridges, which, though daily crossed thousands, seen few, , of topography , geological features of line, comprises brief history of formation of company, whilst in introduction non-professional reader made acquainted principles of railway construction, , application , regulation of locomotive steam power. tims seen every branch of subject has received attention, , result production of volume highly creditable parties concerned.

proposed suspension bridge @ kiev, 1847

late 1840s bourne started working charles blacker vignoles, employed construct nicholas chain bridge in kiev on dnieper river. bourne made following sketch, presented tsar in 1847. construction of bridge started in 1848 , completed in 1855. bourne made drawings , later weekly photographs of every stage of construction.

sketch of proposed suspension bridge @ kiev designed charles blacker vignoles , drawn john cooke bourne, 1847.

in period bourne learned make daguerreotypes, introduced in 1839, , calotypes, introduced in 1841. encouraged charles blacker vignoles, amateur photographer, use techniques document further construction of bridge. came realize, photography s precise recording... supersede drawing means of making topographical views because less expensive, , more accurate.


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