Muslim tradition Sheba

in quran, sheba mentioned in surat an-naml in section speaks of visit of queen of sheba solomon. quran mentions ancient community along other communities destroyed god.

bilqis reclining in garden, persian miniature (ca. 1595), tinted drawing on paper

illustration in hafez frontispiece depicting queen sheba, walters manuscript w.631, around 1539

in quran, story follows bible , other jewish sources. solomon commanded queen of sheba come him subject, whereupon appeared before him (an-naml, 30–31, 45). before queen had arrived, solomon had moved throne place of jinn. recognized throne, had been disguised, , accepted faith of solomon.

muslim commentators such al-tabari, al-zamakhshari, al-baydawi supplement story @ various points. queen s name given bilqis, derived greek παλλακίς or hebraised pilegesh, concubine . according married queen, while other traditions assert gave in marriage tubba of hamdan. according islamic tradition represented al-hamdani, queen of sheba daughter of ilsharah yahdib, himyarite king of najran.

although quran , commentators have preserved earliest literary reflection of complete bilqis legend, there little doubt among scholars narrative derived jewish midrash.

bible stories of queen of sheba , ships of ophir served basis legends israelites traveling in queen of sheba s entourage when returned country bring child solomon. there muslim tradition first jews arrived in yemen @ time of king solomon, following politico-economic alliance between him , queen of sheba. however, tradition suspected apologetic fabrication of jews in yemen later transferred islam, many other traditions.

muslim scholars, including ibn kathir, related people of sheba arabs south arabia.


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